Mike Huckabee on JD Crowe cartoon attacking daughter: ‘Some hide behind their laughable roles as ‘journalists’ or ‘comedians’ as they reveal bias and bigotry’

Last week, AL(dot)com’s JD Crowe reacted to President Donald Trump’s announcement that Sarah Sanders’ tenure as White House press secretary would be coming to a close at the end of the month with a cartoon depicting Sanders in an unflattering way.

“You were the designated mouthpiece of the most dishonest, most vulgar president in American history,” the unbalanced Crowe wrote about Sanders in a screed accompanying his cartoon. “And you did it well. You defended nonsense and lies almost like you believed the nonsense and lies you were defending.”

In an email to Yellowhammer News on Sunday, Sanders’ father, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, responded to Crowe’s depiction of his daughter, saying that some hide behind “laughable role” as journalists and comedians with their attacks.

“Fortunately, Sarah has a lot more class and dignity than the hateful people who have attacked her viciously and unmercifully,” Huckabee said. “Some have thrown her out of restaurants, some have screamed vulgarities at her in places like the Atlanta airport in front of her three small children, and some hide behind their laughable roles as ‘journalists’ or ‘comedians’ as they reveal bias and bigotry. Through it all, Sarah has done her job professionally and faithfully without responding with the same hate and vitriol that was leveled at her. Sarah is loved by people across this country and the fact that some bitter and snobbish elites don’t like her says more about them than her.”

@Jeff_Poor is a graduate of Auburn University, the editor of Breitbart TV and host of “The Jeff Poor Show” from 2-5 p.m. on WVNN in Huntsville.

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Are you afraid to answer the phone?

Dr. Daniel Sutter June 16, 2019