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Forgive the American media — they are grieving over a lost friend

We have all lost loved one and we all grieve in very different ways.

Some are overcome with grief while some get scared about what is next.

Some lash out.

Some worry about the children.

The American media is not the hardest hit by the timely death of world-renowned terrorist Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, but they are still not taking it well.

During a press conference on Tuesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke to the “diplomatic press corps,” and to say it was adversarial is an understatement. It’s even become cliche to point out how differently the media acts with President Donald Trump in office versus how they acted when former President Barack Obama was in office.

But this goes beyond that. Every single question posed by the American media on the matter of a terrorist being turned into a pink mist was drenched in Iranian propaganda.

The questions included:

Will Americans commit war crimes? No.

Was Solemeni on a peace mission? No.

What about the nuclear deal? Iran won’t be getting a nuke on our watch.

These are propaganda questions.

Iranian. Propaganda. Questions.

These could have come directly from Tehran.

This isn’t the media being inquisitive, questioning or skeptical. They are being hostile and it is aiding a foreign power.

As I stated before, people are grieving and the American media grieves by taking the side of a murderous terrorist regime that jails and kills dissenters and the LGBTQ, subjugates women and commits crimes all over the globe.

But we should understand this is a tough time for the media as they have experienced a profound loss who was a revered rock star political figure at the hands of their mortal enemy Donald Trump. So let’s be sensitive and give them time to grieve.

Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 am weekdays on WVNN.

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