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Luther Strange Adamantly Defends Fellow-Alabamian Jeff Sessions

U.S. Senator Luther Strange appeared on Fox Business defending his fellow-Alabamian, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, regarding Sessions appearance today before the Senate Intelligence Committee’s probe into Russia’s role in President Trump’s election.

When host Stuart Varney asked Strange if he thought Sessions was going to be in trouble during his Senate testimony today, Strange said no, stating, “The Democrats on the committee and beyond will accuse him of all kinds of outlandish things without any basis. But it’s all part of an overall pattern that goes back to the confirmation hearings that Jeff had to endure where allegations were flying – very little substance. So I think that Jeff’s going to acquit himself very well today.”

Varney replied: “I do think it’s a shame that our nation’s business should be put on hold while we spend all of our time looking at James Comey testifying, Jeff Sessions testifying, about what I think, frankly, are minuscule matters.”

Senator Strange concurred, noting, “You share the opinion of most Alabamians and most Americans that I talk to, who care about getting real, common-sense, conservative solutions to our problems. I hear very little, if anything, about Russia meddling in our elections because we have a system that will get to the bottom of that, I have no doubt. We are wasting time, at the moment.”

America’s very fortunate to have Jeff Sessions as attorney general, and I expect him to acquit himself very well,” Strange said, adding that Sessions is to be commended for his willingness to testify: “It says everything about his character. He’s not interested in backroom testimony… because he is about telling the truth. [Testifying publicly] takes out the media… the liberal media, for sure, in interpreting what he might have said. Now people get to hear it directly, and I think they’ll be very impressed,” Strange concluded.

Related: Jeff Sessions and the Russians: The Facts of the Matter

Larry Huff is Yellowhammer’s Executive Editor and you can follow him on Twitter at @LHYellowhammer

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