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ICYMI: Roby Lays Down the Law as House Passes Landmark Pro-Life Bill

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a landmark piece of pro-life legislation on Tuesday that would prohibit abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy with exceptions for cases of rape, incest, or when the life of the mother is at risk. Representative Martha Roby of Alabama’s second congressional district took the House floor in support of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and presented a fiery defense for pro-life.

Roby began her appeal by acknowledging that her colleagues across the aisle seem so adamant to insure a woman’s right to an abortion and the doctor’s right to administer one, that they forget about the third person: the unborn baby. “We are here to speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves. We are here to defend those who cannot defend themselves,” Roby said.

Roby then began to tell the story of baby Micah, who was born at 22 weeks and spent four months in intensive care. She pointed out that every precaution and care was given to Micah to ensure that he would live, and he did. She then argued, “So, Madam Speaker, my question to those who would oppose this bill is this: What’s the difference between a baby at six months outside the womb and a baby at six months inside the womb? How can one be treated like the miracle they are created to be, and the other be treated like medical waste?

“We have to draw the line somewhere. To say aborting a little baby who can actually feel the pain of the procedure being forced upon them crosses the line is a gross understatement,” Roby continued. “Madame Speaker, so often we get caught up in the politics of this issue, and we forget that these are babies, for goodness sake. They feel pain. And we need to protect them.”

Roby’s address was a glowing support of pro-life and just may have helped the bill pass the House by a vote of 237-189. However, Roby wasn’t the only Alabama delegate to support the bill. Representative Mike Rogers said, “I am proud to support this important pro-life legislation. At 20 weeks in the mother’s womb, a fetus has developed into a baby moving its new limbs and starting to grow hair. That tiny baby can feel pain. This bill will protect those innocent lives and keep them safe from pain and suffering.”

Congressman Mo Brooks also expressed his support of the bill saying, “Micah’s Law gives more children like Micah Pickering the opportunity to experience life and ends the barbaric practice of painfully killing unborn children who, if given the chance, can live a healthy life outside a mother’s womb.”

Micah’s Law will now make its way to the Senate, where it is likely to face more fierce opposition. However, President Trump has also expressed his support of the bill, promising to sign it if it does indeed make it to his desk in the oval office.

Related: State GOP Chairman: Planned Parenthood is “More Than Welcome” to Stump for Jones in Alabama

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