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Gary Palmer to support objections to certain electors on Wednesday

Congressman Gary Palmer (AL-06) on Wednesday signed onto a lengthy joint statement with more than 60 of his colleagues announcing their intent to reject electors from certain states, those where they believe a clear constitutional violation occurred during the 2020 presidential election.

This joint statement, citing a December amicus brief from 126 GOP House members, identified the states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as having “violated the plain language of Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution in their selection of presidential electors.”

Congress will meet in a joint session on Wednesday to review and certify Electoral College results.

In a statement, Palmer said, “This effort is about protecting election integrity. Free, honest, and fair elections are foundational to our republic, and the general public’s confidence in them must be restored.”

“I have serious, well-founded concerns about the manner in which several states conducted the 2020 Presidential election,” he advised. “The U.S. Constitution reserves the power to pass or amend election laws solely to the legislatures of the states. In more than one state, unconstitutional changes were made to elections laws that affected the outcome of the election.”

“Perhaps most concerning is that today, millions of people have no confidence in this election’s outcome or its process,” Palmer continued. “Instead of ignoring these concerns, we should thoroughly examine them so that Americans’ faith in their election systems can be restored.”

The Central Alabama congressman concluded, “The Constitution recognizes the need for checks and balances in our government, and Congress is an important one in this situation. As indicated by the joint statement from my colleagues and me, we believe we have a duty to ensure the integrity of our elections and to assure American citizens that their right to choose their leaders is protected. I have joined this effort with other members with complete recognition of the gravity of this moment, and fully committed to doing everything possible to ensure that we remain a Constitutional Republic where our right to self-government is preserved.”

Congressmen Mo Brooks (AL-05), who is leading the overall challenge to electors, and Robert Aderholt (AL-04) have specified that they will oppose the electors from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Congressmen Jerry Carl (AL-01), Barry Moore (AL-02) and Mike Rogers (AL-03) have also voiced that they will vote to reject some electors.

Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) will object to the electors from Arizona and is “considering additional states that may require [his] objection.”

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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