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Gary Palmer: Not Your Typical Member of Congress

Americans are fed up with politics as usual, and for good reason. Voters elect candidates to Congress with the expectation that their values will be represented on Capitol Hill. Too often, voters end up feeling betrayed as their congressmen and congresswomen seem to serve the interests of the Washington political machine, not them. It’s no wonder that the public’s faith in Congress is at rock-bottom.

Gary Palmer is a different kind of leader. Since being elected to Congress in 2014, Gary has consistently represented Alabama values while in Washington. The political machine in Washington has not changed him. He understands the issues that matter to the people of the 6th district and makes them a priority in fact in a newly released social media video his constituents are saying just that:

Religious freedom is under attack in America, and Gary has been a champion for people of faith as well as the rights of the unborn. He introduced an amendment to H.R. 5485, the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act. The amendment, which was adopted, protects religious liberty by prohibiting funds from being used to implement DC’s Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Act (RHNDA). That act could force employers in DC to cover abortions in their health insurance plans and require pro-life organizations to hire individuals who advocate for abortion. Federal dollars, whether in D.C. or otherwise, must not be used to take lives or deny religious freedoms.

Second amendment rights are important to Gary. He believes that the right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right that must be protected from executive overreach, and from those who would impose limits on the types of arms law-abiding citizens are allowed to possess. The Gun Owners of America and the NRA gave him their highest ratings defending the Second Amendment.

Gary is opposed to amnesty for illegal immigrants. He signed the FAIR Congressional Task Force’s No-Amnesty pledge to “oppose legislation that would grant any form of work authorization to illegal aliens.” He believed the first steps to any reform of America’s immigration system will have to be securing our borders and enforcing current immigration law.

On issue after issue, Gary’s track record in Congress proves that he has kept his word to faithfully represent the values of the people in the 6th district. Maybe that’s why Gary is the only Alabama representative to receive a 100 percent ranking from the American Conservative Union.

“I’ve always believed that Alabama is a very special state in a very special country,” Gary said. “One of the great honors of my life is to represent the people of my district in Washington. I will always fight what the values and issues that matter to them.”

There is a movement today to remake America in a way that goes against Alabama values. Gary Palmer has taken a leadership position in the fight against that movement. That’s why it’s so important to vote for Gary on Nov. 6 and send him back to Congress. Find out more about Gary Palmer here.

(Paid for by Gary Palmer for Congress. Copyright 2016. Palmer for Congress.)

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