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Former White House Aide Gorka to Stump for Roy Moore in Alabama

Photo by Flickr user 7th Army Training Command

Former deputy assistant to President Trump, Sebastian Gorka, is coming to Alabama Thursday to join Sarah Palin in a rally supporting Roy Moore.

According to today’s article by Axios, Gorka is now working for an organization called the “MAGA Coalition.” The group’s website says it’s “a national network of over 5,000,000 America First citizens who share in the belief that both our national parties have taken America down the wrong path.”

Gorka will be leading a Thursday night rally in Montgomery along with Palin, who will be in Alabama under the banner of The Great America Alliance, a group closely aligned with Steven Bannon. Gorka worked for Bannon at Breitbart before the two became White House advisers.

It’s obvious that a big reason Bannon and Gorka are involved in this race is that Mitch McConnel supports Strange, but the more interesting question surrounds their relationship with Donald Trump in light of his support for Strange.

As the Axios article said, “Think about this. A month ago, Gorka and Steve Bannon were working in President Trump’s White House. Now they are preparing to go head-to-head against the president to support a candidate who is loathed by the same establishment that originally loathed Trump.”

Much has been reported about the implications of this fascinating turn of events. HotAir.com recently ran a story with the enticing headline “Alabama GOP Senate runoff now a proxy war between Trump and Bannon.” However, an article posted on The Hill today says “Allies of Bannon insist that the Trump-Bannon split over Moore isn’t indicative of a larger rift.”

Whatever the implications, it’s clear that Donald Trump and Mike Pence will be in Alabama campaigning for Luther Strange just as Sebastian Gorka and Steve Bannon are doing everything in their power to elect Moore because they view Strange as the establishment candidate.

As Politico stated in an August 16 article, “If Moore wins, his approach could serve as a template for other insurgent candidates…The assault from pro-McConnell forces has allowed Moore to portray himself as the underdog. During a recent appearance before the Weyrich Lunch, a closed-door gathering of conservative leaders in Washington, Moore said the Washington establishment wants nothing more than to bring him down.”

Look for Sebastian Gorka and Sarah Palin to expound upon that message at their Thursday night rally in Montgomery, as it’s now apparent that forces outside of Alabama are working hard to bring both candidates down.

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