My first week in Washington as your Congressman

Bradey Byrne, R-Mobile
Bradey Byrne, R-Mobile

By: Bradley Byrne

Last month, the voters of Alabama’s First Congressional District entrusted me with a solemn responsibility: to be their voice in the United States House of Representatives in a time of bloated budgets, sluggish economic growth, and continued encroachment on personal liberties from Washington. This week, my staff and I wasted no time getting to work on behalf of South Alabama. As my first legislative act as your Congressman, I was proud to cosponsor the American Health Care Reform Act, H.R. 3121. This bill is supported by over 120 House conservatives, and would repeal the disastrous ObamaCare law which is weighing down our economy and hurting families across South Alabama.

However, in order to govern and represent my constituents effectively, I am a firm believer that along with our opposition to this law, we must simultaneously promote conservative alternatives that will reduce the debt, create jobs, and in this case, provide greater access to quality health care for all Americans. This bill does exactly that – doing away with the burdensome regulations, taxes, and mandates while promoting market-based solutions that will actually lower costs and improve access to quality care.

Even in light of the mounting challenges our country faces at the national level, I am so optimistic about what lies ahead for us in South Alabama. With jobs and investment like those represented at Airbus and Austal, it is clear businesses from around the world are recognizing how much our community truly has to offer. That’s why I was excited to announce this week that I have been assigned to serve on the House Armed Services and House Natural Resources Committees, which have jurisdiction over issues directly relevant to jobs and families here at home. With these assignments, I will be able to directly influence federal policies that affect our citizens’ lives and livelihood, such as the Navy contracts at Austal, red snapper season and marine policy, offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, and keeping the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta under local control.

As your Congressman, I want to be responsive to the needs of this community and do everything I can to represent your voice in Washington. I will work hard to build upon the trust you have placed in me to serve as your Congressman and advocate our shared South Alabama values. If you’d like to keep in touch and receive regular updates from my office, please consider visiting my new website,, to sign up. I believe we have a bright future together as a community – I look forward to working hard to help bring us there.