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Exclusive: Charlie Kirk speaks ahead of Birmingham book signing event on Thursday

Turning Point USA founder and executive director Charlie Kirk will hold a book signing event on Thursday in the Birmingham metropolitan area. Ahead of his appearance, he spoke with Yellowhammer News about his new book, as well as important state and national political issues.

Entitled, “The MAGA Doctrine,” Kirk’s new book was just released this week. It has already shot up to the top of best-seller charts.

Kirk will hold his public book signing event at 7:30 p.m. CST on Thursday at the Books-A-Million located at Brookwood Village. For just $32, you can get a copy of the book signed in-person by Kirk.

He told Yellowhammer News that another special guest will be in attendance for event-goers to meet and visit with. Kirk also explained the background behind the book and what readers can expect.

“I wrote this book mostly because I was very tired of hearing people on the left and leftist newspapers tell me what the president believed and why he was doing what he was doing,” Kirk outlined. “I came to the conclusion that they hate the president — and [no one was] actually defining the Trump doctrine for what it actually is, which is a doctrine of American renewal and American greatness.”

“So, ‘The MAGA Doctrine’ summarized is the philosophical premise that we are the greatest country in the history of the world, that President Trump brought us back to a period of economic renewal and a renaissance of fair and impartial judges, of smart immigration policy.” he continued. “No longer are we going to continue the track record of China appeasement. I wrote it mostly because I was fearful that conservative movement Republicans might go back the way of ‘ruling-class Republicanism,’ kind of post-Reagan, how the Republican Party was.”

Kirk said, “It’s been a great experience. I’ve been overwhelmed with the support. We’ve hit number one [on the charts] a couple of times, so we’re very happy with that.”

He then gave Yellowhammer News his thoughts on Trump’s reelection prospects.

“I think he’s got a great shot, obviously. It’s going to be a big fight — I don’t think it’s going to be a landslide like some people are saying,” Kirk advised.

The Democratic presidential primary field to face Trump in November has realistically dwindled to former Vice President Joe Biden and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

“I like the matchup if it ends up being Joe Biden. I like that matchup a lot,” Kirk commented. “I’d much rather run-up against the establishment, someone who’s a crony insider than someone who has spirit and energy and enthusiasm. I know that puts me in the minority opinion, but definitely with the target audience I deal with — with younger voters — Joe Biden is a much, much harder sell for them than Bernie Sanders is.”

“If Joe Biden is going to be the opposition, [swing] states are going to be tough,” he added. “They’re going to sink hundreds of millions of dollars into those [states]. We’ve got to do whatever it takes to get this thing done.”

Kirk then talked more about that younger audience Turning Point USA focuses on. The organization, which he founded in 2012 when he was 18-years-old, works to identify, educate, train and organize students to promote the principles of fiscal responsibility, free markets and limited government.

However, socialism is continuing to gain popularity with younger generations, as evidenced by Sanders’ success in Democratic primaries, especially with younger voters.

Of socialism, Kirk acknowledged, “It’s definitely on the rise.”

He placed much of the blame on “our education system that is teaching hatred for our country and not teaching economics [or] teaching young people what it actually means to be an American.”

“It’s very important to be honest with young people and not promise student loan debt cancellation or free tuition,” Kirk remarked. “Instead say, ‘We’re going to give you enough flexibility and freedom that you can make your own choice — and hopefully you make good choices. And that’s going to lead you to a more fulfilling life.’ Granted, that’s a harder sell. It’s much easier to go around promising stuff to people. I wish my job was that easy, just going around and saying, ‘Yeah, I’ll forgive your loans and [give you] free medical [care] and everyone gets to be a citizen.’ That’s not realistic. It’s not moral. And it’s not right. But it’s easy. And that’s where the left is right now.”

Speaking of the left, Kirk stressed the importance of Alabamians voting out U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) in November. Kirk expressed no opinion on the Republican primary runoff between former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and former Auburn University head football coach Tommy Tuberville.

“I think Doug Jones has betrayed the people of Alabama,” Kirk emphasized. “I think he is one of the worst politicians in the country because he does not represent the state that elected him. I really believe that.”

Kirk concluded the interview by inviting members of the public to come meet him at the book signing event on Thursday.

“I’d love to have people come, I’d love to have them attend. I think it’s going to be a lot of fun. Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is coming, who’s terrific. I think that we have a great opportunity to continue to grow the movement, and I can’t wait to get back to the great state of Alabama,” Kirk said.

He is no stranger to the state. One of his most memorable appearances came when he and Turning Point’s Candace Owens were the keynote speakers at the Alabama Republican Party’s 2018 Summer Dinner.

“There’s a rise of Marxism in our country, of victimology, of anti-Americanism, and we have to stand up against that,” Kirk concluded. “I think the more that we’re able to fight, be convicted, the more success we’re going to have.”

Read more on Thursday’s book signing event here.

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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