Education experts to debate Common Core’s impact on students on Alabama Public TV tonight


New national “Common Core” education standards have been a hot button issue in recent months, stirring up tremendous debate in the education community and sparking outrage among grassroots conservatives who see it as an ill-advised national approach to education.

“Little of the debate, however, has centered on what Common Core will mean to students,” Alabama Public Television said in a release today.

Two leading national education experts will appear on Alabama Public Television tonight at 7 p.m. to discuss that crucial detail on “ENGAGE: COMMON CORE.”

Michael Petrilli, an award-winning writer and education analyst and executive vice president of the education-policy think tank the Thomas B. Fordham Institute in Washington, D.C., says Common Core is good because it will bring increased accountability to schools. Dr. Williamson M. Evers, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and a member of the Institution’s Koret Task Force on K–12 Education, argues against Common Core saying that it holds children back. Evers served in the Bush Administration as the U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education for policy from 2007 to 2009. Veteran Alabama journalist Pam Huff will moderate the conversation designed to help viewers understand Common Core and make their own decisions.

“We think it’s important to go beyond the political arguments and focus attention on what Common Core is really about and what it would mean to Alabama students,” said APT executive director Roy Clem. “Viewers will have a chance to hear a great discussion and understand the opposing views that Mr. Petrilli and Dr. Evers bring to the table.”

APT plans to produce more ENGAGE specials in the future, exploring other important issues with recognized experts. The first special, ENGAGE: CARBON TAX, was broadcast last year and examined how carbon tax credits might affect the economy.

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