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Doug Jones: Trump’s China trade policy ‘another administration disaster’

Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) took to the Senate floor for almost 20 minutes on Tuesday to attack President Donald Trump imposing tariffs on China.

In his speech, Jones claimed that Trump was “misleading” the American people on the issue of tariffs and overall trade policy with China.

“Tariffs are taxes, and we are all going to pay because of this trade war,” Jones said. “Call them whatever you want. Americans will suffer because of this trade war.”

He commented, “In Alabama, our farmers, in particular, are hurting. And that’s an understatement. … The last thing they need is another administration disaster manufactured because of the Chinese tariffs on their crops.”


Jones on Tuesday also complained about Trump’s trade dealings across the world, according to Politico.

“What I’ve got a concern about is going it alone,” Jones added. “At the same time we started this with China, we were also kicking our European allies in the shins and we were kicking Canada in their shins and we were kicking Mexico.”

RELATED: Aderholt, Byrne support Trump ‘standing up’ to China on trade

Sean Ross is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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