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Democratic congressman contests Alabama’s Electoral College vote alleging Russia interfered


In the latest challenge to the legitimacy of the election, House Democrats attempted to protest the Electoral College vote that secured Donald J. Trump the next Presidency of the United States. On Friday, Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) objected to Alabama’s electoral votes, arguing that Russia interfered in the democratic process.

The EC held its vote back on Dec. 19, but Congress was not able to certify it until today after the new members had been sworn in.

The Democrats’ challenge was shot down, as it did not have a signature from the Senate. When the topic of Russian interference was brought up, the chamber was filled with boos from the Republican majority.

Ever since Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election in an epic collapse, Democrats have attempted to undermine American’s faith in the fairness of the election by alleging Russian tampering and challenging the necessity of the Electoral College.

Clinton was dominated in the EC on election night, and her results only got worse when the college met to hold its vote in December. While Democratic activists were trying to inspire “faithless electors” to defect on Trump, Clinton actually had more defections than her Republican counterpart.

According to The Daily Caller, Five Washington Democratic electors did not vote for Clinton. Another three electors in Maine, Minnesota and Colorado tried to buck Clinton, but were blocked from doing so by state laws. Only two Republican electors did not back Trump and voted for Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) and libertarian icon Ron Paul respectively.

This afternoon, Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL5) highlighted the Democrats persistent unwillingness to accept the election results.

With all the formalities completed, there is now no doubt that Donald Trump will be the next president. He will be sworn in at the Capitol on Jan. 20.

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