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Dale Jackson: Root for the mask order, and ask Governor Ivey to extend it

For close to two weeks, Alabama has been under the tyranny of a mask order implemented by Governor Kay Ivey. I hope everyone is OK.

We heard about the horror stories of oxygen levels and pre-existing breathing conditions that make wearing a mask impossible but for some reason don’t put you at risk of worse outcomes because of the virus.

We still haven’t seen the body bags full of dead people who were forced to wear masks. We also haven’t gotten videos of people raging at Wal-Mart employees.

I personally witnessed a total of four people without masks in a public place: a family in Wal-Mart and one angry person at Home Depot.

We had some knuckleheads on the Internet complaining about the order, but most Alabamians put on their masks and went on about their business. However, a real estate agent has sued over it.

Has the mask order worked? Madison County seems to think so, but it is truly too soon to know.

Whether the illness takes 14 days to show itself or 10 days is up for debate, but either way, we still don’t know if the order is going to have any impact at this point.

Some numbers have leveled off, which is typically what happens before they start going down.

For those rooting against this, look at how ridiculous government is willing to be in other states.

In New Jersey, gym owners have been arrested. In California, lockdown is back. In Alabama, we are now closing bars at 11:00 p.m.

Does the coronavirus operate under the rules of the “Gremlins” universe? Obviously not, but the government is making it pretty clear that they are just throwing stuff at the wall.

For Governor Kay Ivey, this is simple: Extend this mask order, and pray that it works.

Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 AM weekdays on WVNN.

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