Is this the creepiest anti-ObamaCare ad ever?

Generation Opportunity, an organization that targets college students and young voters, has released what is quite possibly the creepiest anti-ObamaCare ad ever made.

In the ad, a young woman experiences her first visit to the doctor after signing up for ObamaCare. After her physician asks a few preliminary questions, Uncle Sam takes over and things get… bizarre.

Creepy Uncle Sam also makes another appearance in a second ad, this time introducing a young man to the wonderful world of government medicine.

Yahoo! News reports that GenOpp is spending most of their times on College Campuses and has spent roughly $750,000 on their ad campaign.

Generation Opportunity, a Virginia-based group that is part of a coalition of right-leaning organizations with financial ties to billionaire businessmen and political activists Charles and David Koch, will launch a six-figure campaign aimed at convincing young people to “opt-out” of the Obamacare exchanges. Later this month, the group will begin a tour of 20 college campuses, where they plan to set up shop alongside pro-Obamacare activists such as Enroll America that are working to sign people up for the insurance exchanges.

Generation Opportunity intends to host events at college football tailgate parties, where “brand ambassadors” (read: hot young people) will pass out beer koozies that read “opt out,” pizza and literature about the health care law. Some events may have impromptu dance parties with DJ’s, complete with games of cornhole and competitions for prizes, organizers said.

Their message: You don’t have to sign up for Obamacare. And they want students to sign a pledge not to get insurance plans set up by the law.

“What we’re trying to communicate is, ‘No, you’re actually not required to buy health insurance,’” Generation Opportunity President Evan Feinberg told Yahoo News in an interview about the campaign. “You might have to pay a fine, but that’s going to be cheaper for you and better for you.”

Generation Opportunity’s leadership says they believe ObamaCare will implode if enough young people opt out, and they’re doing everything they can to spread the word.

It’s too early to tell if their efforts will be successful, but the ad campaign definitely has folks buzzing.

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Cliff Sims September 20, 2013