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Cavanaugh hammers Biden on energy policy: ‘He has thrown us into an energy crisis’

With costs increasing across America’s energy sector, Twinkle Cavanaugh places the blame squarely on the shoulders of President Joe Biden.

“Joe Biden has made energy more expensive across the board,” Cavanaugh explained to Yellowhammer News. “And his plan has worked to the detriment of American families.”

As president of Alabama’s Public Service Commission, Cavanaugh has been on the front lines fighting against federal mandates coming down from Washington, D.C.

She pointed out that in the last 12 months the price of gasoline has gone up 18%, electricity has gone up 15%, utilities as a whole have increased 33%, and the price of oil has soared 58%.

“Those kinds of cost increases are devastating to our economy, and they are felt by everyone,” Cavanaugh offered.

Biden’s commitment to green energy policy is at the root of these problems, according to her.

“Biden said he wanted to do away with fossil fuels,” she asserted. “Well, guess what happened? He has thrown us into an energy crisis.”

Cavanaugh believes it is something the Biden administration should have seen coming, especially with OPEC’s recent announcement that it was reducing its output by 2 million barrels per day.

“OPEC has said it was cutting supply even though oil consumption is projected to increase by nearly the same amount in 2023,” remarked Cavanaugh. “So what has Biden done to help? Nothing. Really what he has done is make it worse by canceling pipelines and making it impossible to drill on American soil.”

These actions from the Oval Office have been influenced by one group, according to Cavanaugh.

“The climate socialists have a death grip on Biden’s energy policy,” emphasized Cavanaugh. “Biden has become a puppet for these liberal environmental lobbyists. He isn’t seeking solutions for energy independence because they won’t let him. They don’t want our country to tap into our own vast resources because they know that the American people will actually like it.”

She continued, “Their grand plan of getting rid of fossil fuels will be ruined if we utilize our God-given resources and prices go down. They want everyone to ride a bicycle to work, and they want control. That’s the bottom line.”

Cavanaugh sees no doubt that Biden administration policies are responsible for rising prices in energy production.

“The price of natural gas has tripled since Joe Biden was elected,” she said. “That’s no coincidence. He is doing the bidding of climate socialists who spend their time lobbying against common sense. He has made energy production far more expensive, and the sad thing is that has been his plan all along. We are in a major energy crisis.”

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