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Congressman Brooks Bringing Congressional Hearing to Alabama

On Monday, April 30, 2012, at 10:00 AM at Bob Jones High School, the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Science, Space, and Technology,...

Luther Strange Statement Regarding SCOTUS Argument about Immigration Law

"I was pleased today to attend the U.S. Supreme Court arguments on Arizona’s immigration law. The Court, in this landmark case, will provide guidance...

Rumors & Rumblings

"Rumors and Rumblings" is a weekly feature that runs each Wednesday. It includes short nuggets of information that we glean from conversations throughout the...

Bill Aims to Form More Efficient Department of Labor

MONTGOMERY - Last week, SB450 passed out of the committee on Governmental Affairs. The bill would merge the Department of Industrial Relations and the...

OP-ED: Helping Small Businesses Wakeup from Their Administrative Nightmare

The Alabama Legislature is entering the final weeks of the 2012 session. I have been pleased with the progress made, but there are still...

Hate Mail of the Week

Bonus points this week to anyone who recognizes the gentleman in the picture. "Hate Mail of the Week" is a weekly feature on Yellowhammer Politics...

VIDEO: One Thing to Watch: Education Options Act

This is the fourth video in our new series called “One Thing to Watch.” Each week, we point out one important issue to look...

Montgomery Lobbyist in Hot Water After Profane Outburst

Things took a turn for the worst in the aftermath of Wednesday's House Economic Development and Tourism Committee meeting as a lobbyist for the...

This Week's Top Tweets

Immigration: For the first time this session, Republicans invoked cloture in the House. Vote was 61-25. Final immigration bill vote imminent.— Yellow Hammer (@YHPolitics) April...

Audio From My Interview with Matt Murphy This Morning

WAPI's Matt Murphy invited me on his radio program again this morning to discuss the latest happenings in Montgomery. We hit on a lot...

Let’s Make Tax Day Less Taxing

WASHINGTON, DC — Every year, every one of us across East Alabama prepares for and usually dreads Tax Day. That day in mid-April...

House Takes up School Performance Grading Bill Thursday

MONTGOMERY- A bill that would bring unprecedented transparency and awareness of school performance is scheduled to be debated Thursday, April 19 in the...

Democrat Senator Maneuvers to Muck Up Pay Raise Repeal

Legislative pay has been a hot issue over the last couple of weeks. It was actually the topic of our very first "One Thing...

Governor Bentley Discusses Coastal Restoration Projects

MONTGOMERY – Governor Robert Bentley on Wednesday praised the work of a multi-state and federal council that has finalized plans for a first round...

Rumors & Rumblings

"Rumors and Rumblings" is a new weekly feature that runs each Wednesday. It includes short nuggets of information that we glean from conversations throughout...

VIDEO: One Thing to Watch: Gov. Robert Bentley

This is the third video in a new series we’ve started called “One Thing to Watch.” Each week, we point out one important issue...

Hate Mail of the Week

"Hate Mail of the Week" is a weekly feature on Yellowhammer Politics in which some of the hate mail submitted through our contact page...

VIDEO: Renowned Tuscaloosa Educator Advocates for Education Options Act

In the video below, Barbara Rountree, Director of Capitol School in Tuscaloosa, speaks in favor of the Education Options Act in a house committee...

Wall St. Journal Calls Out Tuscaloosa Mayor for Big Govt. Tornado Recovery Plan

A version of this article appeared April 14, 2012, on page A13 in some U.S. editions of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline:...

Governor Bentley Responds to AEA Rally

MONTGOMERY – Governor Robert Bentley on Saturday issued the following statement on the Capitol rally organized by the Alabama Education Association: "The AEA has...

This Week's Top Tweets

Bo bikes bama 4/24-4/28! - y'all support! honor victims of '11 tornadoes & raise disaster relief $ bit.ly/HvVIba— Philip Bryan (@j_philipbryan) April 7, 2012 The...

AG Strange Announces Major Public Corruption Initiative

MONTGOMERY — Attorney General Luther Strange today launched a major cooperative initiative among state agencies to fight public corruption. The Attorney General’s Special Prosecutions...

Rumors & Rumblings

"Rumors and Rumblings" is a new weekly feature that runs each Wednesday (a day late this week). It includes short nuggets of information that...