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Secrets: State won’t disclose visitor records for Alabama Governor’s Mansion

If you're curious to know who may have frequented the Governor's Mansion since 2012, it seems you're out of luck. WHNT News says that the...

Alabama Republican sponsors resolution encouraging classroom discussion of intelligent design

As several states work to push back against attacks on religious liberty, one lawmaker in Alabama is hoping to reintroduce discussion of intelligent design...

Alabama Congressional Delegation praises Trump for his joint-session speech

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Donald J. Trump gave his first speech to a joint session of Congress last night and laid out his plans...

Rep. Jack Williams Organizes Public Forum on Eradicating Opioid Addiction in Alabama

By Bennett Naron, Senior Student of Political Science at Samford University On Tuesday, February 27th, Samford University hosted a pubic forum on stopping opioid addiction...

Alabamians cannot let a small minority speak for us

At 8:00 a.m., Phones rang at Jewish community centers across the country. When workers answered, they faced the frightening position of hearing someone issue...

Opponents to Alabama governor’s special election date hit dead end

Elected officials standing in objection over Governor Bentley's call for a 2018 special election to replace Senator Jeff Sessions have just hit a major...

AL Attorney: How Partisan Tensions Are Destroying Relationships and How We Can Fix them (opinion)

At no time since the Civil War began has our country seen this level of partisan tension. In a survey done in 1960,...

Amid impeachment buzz, Gov. Bentley meets with movie starlets and takes selfies in D.C.

Though state lawmakers are moving forward with plans to oust embattled Governor Robert Bentley, it isn't stopping him from having a good time in...

Alabama Jewish Community Center receives bomb threat

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- The Levite Jewish Community Center in Birmingham received a bomb threat on Monday morning marking the third time such a situation...

Taking care of Alabama’s veterans

I’ve held over 75 town hall meetings since being elected to Congress, and these meetings allow me to get a feel for what issues...

Roy Moore angles to expedite his appeal

Financial strain is causing ousted Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore to pursue a sped-up appeal process with a specially selected panel of judges. According...

Alabama Senate approves bill limiting judges’ ability to impose death penalty

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- The Alabama Senate approved a bill on Thursday that prevents a judge from sentencing a person to death when a jury...

Sessions convinces Trump to overturn Obama transgender bathroom rule

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- After a battle of competing views, President Donald J. Trump eliminated an Obama Administration rule aimed at protecting the right of...

In Praise of the Youth Activist

The 1960s and 70s stand out as the turning point in cultural activism. The Sexual Revolution, combined with a nationwide anti-war effort, took on...

Shakeup: Alabama House Republican leader resigns from post

The Alabama House Republican Caucus has gone through no shortage of changes in the past year. Now, one more major shift was announced on...

Alabama Rep. works to overturn another Obama ‘power grab’

As President Trump continues to issue executive orders to undo overreaching regulations implemented over the past eight years, Alabama Representative Bradley Byrne is also...

Alabama State House corruption demands a dose of preventative medicine

By State Rep. Will Ainsworth (R - Guntersville) The Alabama Capitol Building and State House are currently suffering an epidemic of corruption, and rather than...

Alabama Rep.: Repeal Obamacare in full, give states control of their healthcare system

Alabama Representative Mo Brooks is pushing back against his "big government" colleagues who he says are slowing the effort to fully repeal Obamacare. During an...

Gov. Bentley launches new task force to assess grocery taxes

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- In a Tuesday executive order, Gov. Robert Bentley (R-Ala.) created a new task force to prescribe solutions for the state's current...

Former Auburn Football Coach Tommy Tuberville considering run for governor

AUBURN, Ala. -- According to sources from inside the Alabama Republican Party former Auburn Football Coach Tommy Tuberville is considering running for Governor of...

Jeff Sessions defended by an unlikely source: Eric Holder

Former U.S. Attorney General is surprising many in Democrat circles by seemingly defending Alabama's Jeff Sessions, who has been labeled as an enemy of...

POLL: Bipartisan majority of Alabamians support term limits

According to a new poll from McLaughlin & Associates, a whopping 84 percent of Alabama voters support a constitutional amendment to institute term limits...

Obamacare “death spiral” necessitates need for replacement plan by GOP (opinion)

The repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is one Trumps biggest agenda items for his first term. As recently as February...

Alabama coal operation looks to hire workers immediately after Trump takes action

BROOKWOOD, Ala. -- Not even a week after President Donald J. Trump signed a law repealing an stringent Obama Administration coal mining rule, one...