Opinion — Page 15

Alabama's most irrelevant bargain-bin malcontent thinks the government he hates needs more of your money but wants casinos to get a cut

7 Things: Media and their Democrats mourn the rescue of 4 hostages in Gaza; losers in Alabama Democrat Party concerned about the people stomping them; and more ...

Courtrooms may be the arena where 2024 gets settled; Tuberville comments on Ukraine; and more on Alabama Politics This Week!

Questions surrounding a police favoritism case involving two Alabama police departments can be answered with better bodycam laws

7 Things: Alabama lawmakers declare Biden's immigration plan a bust; Alabama auto manufacturing expanding after failed union vote; and more ...

As the media and their Democrats moan about how Trump might politicize the DOJ if elected, Alabama's U.S. Rep. Moore explains how that is happening right now

7 Things: Biden claims he is ready to close border after saying he could not; Britt calls out the Left's dishonesty on contraception/IVF; and more ...

7 Things: Government made up 'six-foot rule' that wrecked businesses and harmed kids; Tuberville is done with Democrats; and more ...

7 Things: The media and their Democrats gloat over Trump conviction; Alabama Republicans continue to stand firm; and more ...

Gov. Ivey must ask: 'Should I ask taxpayers to cover the Amtrak fares of drunks going to New Orleans?'

7 Things: Trump deliberations; District 2 heats up; could the state take over your police department; and more ...