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Guest Opinion

Alabama Policy Institute: Top 10 things the Legislature should accomplish in 2024

The Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature is upon us. Though the only statutory requirement of our state legislature is to pass balanced budgets,...

Livingston: Alabama Senate Republicans defending Alabama in 2024

When it comes to being in touch with the issues facing the people of Alabama and effectively serving them, the state legislature stands unrivaled. Given...

Steve Flowers: Legislative session opens next week

The 2024 legislative session begins next week. It will be difficult to replicate the success of last year’s regular session. The 2023 year was...

Paschal: Promoting active participation in voting among church members is a valid objective

Encouraging and promoting the active engagement of church members in voting is a legitimate goal. One effective strategy to achieve this is by dedicating...

Reed: Conservative priorities of the Alabama Senate in 2024

Alabama is a conservative state, and the citizens of our state have never shied away from standing up for their values. In Alabama, there are...

Sen. Tuberville: School choice gives students opportunity for brighter future

For 40 years, I worked in education as a teacher, coach, and mentor. I have watched the school choice movement grow and change many...

BCA’s Helena Duncan: The United Auto Workers must not do to Alabama what it did to Detroit

In the early 1990s and prior, Alabama’s top industry was textiles, which was evidenced by the low-wage sock mills that peppered the state along...

Daniel Sutter: Costs of regulation

The federal government issues thousands of pages of new regulations annually (over 90,00 in the Federal Register in 2023). The costs of regulation are...

Rep. Carl: World less safe under Joe Biden’s leadership

With chaos around the world and constant threats here at home, the President’s number one priority should be supporting our national defense and being...

Steve Flowers: New Second Congressional District is race to watch

The most interesting race to watch this year in Alabama will be for the newly drawn Second Congressional District. The new seat was drawn by...

RFK’s campaign visit in Alabama from a conservative student’s perspective – ‘a lot of problems and not many solutions’

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. spoke to students and voters at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa on Wednesday. On stage, the...

Rep. Carl: Restoring parents’ voices in the classroom

Since Joe Biden took office, his Administration has been working around the clock to fundamentally change America’s K-12 education system so they can indoctrinate...

Steve Flowers: 2024 is a presidential election year

This is a presidential election year. Our GOP Presidential Primary is our election in the Heart of Dixie. We are a one party state,...

Whitt: It’s time we let the people decide the fate of gambling in Alabama

Gambling is illegal in the state of Alabama, but let’s face the facts: our weak, confusing laws are not stopping Alabamians from participating or...

Gerrick Wilkins: Reviving America’s economy from a business leader’s perspective

As an Alabama business leader and a proud American, I've seen firsthand the power of innovation and hard work in driving success. It’s from...

Rep. Jerry Carl: America needs a real border security deal

This past week, Sens. Chuck Schumer and James Lankford proposed their idea of a “border deal” that should really be described as an “illegal...

Johnston: Sarah Stewart’s stance as SGA president raises questions about her conservative values

As the race for Alabama Chief Justice heats up between Sarah Stewart and Bryan Taylor, we wonder about the future of our state Supreme...

Rep. Matt Woods: Alabama Child Protection Act will combat AI-generated pornography

Technology can be a wonderful thing. It can make our lives easier; it can help us solve complex problems; it can even save lives. ...

Steve Flowers: More observations from 2023

My notebook of observations from 2023 was so full that I will continue this week. Our new United States senator, Katie Boyd Britt, has proven...

Gov. Kay Ivey: Unions want to target one of Alabama’s crown jewel industries, automotive manufacturing

September 30, 1993, marked a watershed moment in Alabama history. That is the day Mercedes-Benz went against the grain and chose our state to...

Dan Sutter: Perils of voting by mail

A recent Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports poll found widespread irregularities in the 2020 election. While whether this proves theft of the presidential election...

Rep. Jerry Carl: Update on Biden impeachment

I have said from day one if we follow the money, we will be able to expose the truth about the Biden Crime Family. All three...

Justice Sellers: ‘Lessons from the Death of a Tyrant’

One hundred years ago, Vladimir Lenin died. Lenin was an unlikely revolutionary. His story was not one of meager beginnings or social depravation. Rather, he...

Steve Flowers: 2023 observations and accolades

I know we are in a new year, but allow me to look back into 2023 and share with you some observations and accolades...