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Guest Opinion

Flowers: Some 2020 observations

Allow me to share some observations from the year thus far. First of all, I have never seen anything like the coronavirus shutdown of...

U.S. Rep. Martha Roby: Easter brings an abundance of hope

For the past several weeks, all the world’s focus has been distinctly turned to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This current health crisis and its...

Religious freedom and the promise of Easter

Easter celebrates the Resurrection of our Savior, Jesus the Christ, and his victory over sin and death—which is the confirmation of our victory in...

Alabama Medical Association president: Stay home, save lives

We are in the midst of a historic and unprecedented event. The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 will be one for the history books. How...

A logical path forward

There will be a time in the future where countries will analyze the policy in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. Most governments, including the United...

COVID-19 restrictions unfairly choke small business

When Mark and Susan Anderson were required by a statewide mandate to close the doors of their Dothan clothing and outdoor gear store, Eagle...

COVID-19 highlights need to lessen restrictions on rural medical care

Dating back to the Obama administration, conservatives have criticized the impulse to “never let a crisis go to waste.” In truth, the impulse is...

Byrne: Love in the time of the coronavirus

Like many of you I “attended” Palm Sunday worship online. It was strange not to be there at St. James Fairhope physically for the...

Executive power in a pandemic

This unusual moment in history has been full of surprises. Some of those surprises raise profound questions that we will be thinking through for...

The power of family during this pandemic

It’s finally spring in Alabama, and we should be on a beach somewhere living the dream. Instead, we’re all at home living the memes....

Alabama leaders must include small business owners in pandemic recovery policy

As we watch the pandemic’s effect on public health, we pray first and foremost for scientists and physicians to find medications to treat the...

Roby: Efforts continue in Alabama’s response to COVID-19

The state of Alabama late this week surpassed 1,000 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), and the United States exceeded 265,000 cases. The...

Caregiving in the era of COVID-19

Even in ordinary times, the more than 760,000 unpaid family caregivers in Alabama face a daunting set of daily tasks. Oftentimes with little or...

A letter from U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to all Alabamians about 2020 Census

More than 50 million households, representing more than one-third of the nation, already have responded to the 2020 Census. The census happens once every...

Preventing death by allowing ‘essential’ murder

We live in wild times. I've watched people all across the political spectrum in recent days deliver impassioned speeches about the need to take extraordinary...

Ainsworth: A little effort can make a big difference in the fight against the COVID-19 virus

Every American was a bit disappointed when the White House announced this week that social distancing guidelines will remain in place at least until...

Finding the new normal

I spent my professional career getting dressed, usually in business attire, leaving my house and driving to another location – office tower, free-standing building,...

Biomedical research publishing in the era of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)

The COVID-19 pandemic is changing many aspects of our daily lives and forcing us to take another look at behaviors we previously didn’t think...

Why Governor Ivey is the champion Alabama’s prisons desperately need right now

Alabama’s prisons are a dangerous place to be. Alabama’s prison population sits at over 160% of its designed capacity, with a homicide rate nearly...

Byrne: Hope in the time of the coronavirus

In Genesis 2, God says, “It is not good that the man should be alone.” He made us for Himself, but he also made...

Things you can do today to help improve your mental health amid COVID-19 outbreak

Overwhelmed. Anxious. Distracted. Lonely. These are a few words that might describe the feelings of those who are transitioning into working from home, or...

U.S. Rep. Martha Roby: Together we will combat COVID-19

The novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is accelerating across our state, country, and in more than 150 countries globally. On Thursday, the state of Alabama exceeded...

Ainsworth: Closing public schools is the right call in the fight against COVID-19 in Alabama

Governor Kay Ivey, State Superintendent of Education Dr. Eric Mackey and the members of his learning options task force deserve commendation for making the...

It’s time to take a stand against China

Napoleon predicted that China’s “wokeness” would move the world; returning the compliment, the Chinese contend that it is too soon to measure the impact...