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Guest Opinion

Roby: Steps towards brighter days

For the past several weeks, the people of Alabama participated in following a statewide public health order implemented by the governor and public health...

Time to prioritize all Alabama students

On March 27, President Trump signed the CARES Act into law, which includes more than $16 billion in stabilization funds for K-12 education. On...

Carl: Reopen Alabama

Alabama led the space race. We led in bringing jobs like Mercedes and Hyundai to our state. Now, it’s time for Alabama to lead...

Sierra Club, GASP ‘threatening the economic livelihood of Alabama’s own businesses’

During these times of unrest and uncertainty, Alabamians understand the importance of protecting jobs firsthand and maintaining the resources that fuel our economy. It is...

Flowers: Alabama leaders under 45 who affect the political arena

Last week, I discussed Alabama’s outstanding leaders in the political arena. This week, allow me to share with you some of the state’s leaders...

Extending freedom is not irresponsible

When Georgia’s governor announced that the state would allow some non-essential businesses to reopen, everyone had an opinion. What I heard and read most...

Byrne: Passing the peak of coronavirus and next steps

Alabama reached and passed the peak of COVID-19 new cases during the week of April 12. As I have written previously, this doesn’t mean...

Is this a recession or a holiday?

We have experienced unprecedented economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing policies. Twenty-two million Americans lost jobs in four weeks. The Federal...

Roby: Do your part

As we approach the end of the month, the current directives and public health orders established to combat the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic will begin...

Flowers: Alabama has some outstanding political leaders under 45

Many of you have lamented to me that it appears that all or most of our state political leaders are older folks. On first...

Virus robbed me of bidding farewell to great friend

While I and my family have been blessed during the COVID-19 pandemic with basically no ill effects, the virus robbed me of the chance...

Accountability Act schools continue to serve students with excellence in coronavirus crisis

As the coronavirus pandemic impacts the world, our news feeds are full of tragedy and sacrifice. These stories of financial hardship, sickness and death...

50 years of Earth Day: Alabama’s iron and steel manufacturing contributes to our environment

I was in fifth grade on the first Earth Day. There was an abandoned earth mover in the woods near my elementary school, and...

Leaving Antarctica for a COVID-19 world

The notorious Drake Passage between Antarctica and South America was pummeling our research ship with 25- to 30-foot waves and gale-force winds gusting to...

Six things your ophthalmologist wants you to know about coronavirus

MONTGOMERY -- As information about the new coronavirus comes at a furious pace, at times offering conflicting and confusing advice, the Alabama Academy of...

Rogers’ report from Washington: The fight against the invisible enemy

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Our nation is under attack from an invisible enemy. We are at war with the coronavirus. It has brought our powerful...

Byrne: At the peak of the coronavirus

National and state officials agree that we have reached the peak of new cases and deaths here in Alabama from the coronavirus called COVID-19....

Before ‘The Last Dance,’ Michael Jordan was a Birmingham Baron

Once upon a time, there were three young brothers in Alabama who wanted to see their hero, Michael Jordan, in person. At the time,...

Should we sue china over COVID?

Several lawsuits seek monetary damages from the Chinese government for the COVID-19 pandemic. Politicians seem to like the idea, too. South Carolina Senator Lindsey...

Roby: Alabamians lend helping hands

As coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to sweep across the state of Alabama and the nation, there are several inspiring stories of Alabamians coming together to...

Vandalism continues to be problem at WFF shooting ranges

It’s like when their favorite lamps get broken by reckless youngsters and moms say, “This is why we can’t have nice things.” I don’t get...

Utility workers and service providers continue to power Alabama

Vast amounts of normal services have been interrupted during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the situation evolves and uncertainty remains, one thing that Alabamians can...

Byrne: Approaching the peak of the coronavirus

Passover and Easter came and went with all of us still in extreme social distancing. There were online Seders. Many of us missed being...

Litigation in the public interest?

America needs billions of masks to protect against the coronavirus, particularly high-grade N95 masks for healthcare workers. Nonetheless, fear of litigation delayed delivery of...