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Guest Opinion

Mo Brooks: Send open borders advocate Doug Jones packing in November

Have you noticed how often politicians claim they want to help American families yet support policies that make poverty and hardship even worse? Socialist Democrats...

Will Sellers: Alabama’s finest hour

In describing his constituents, George Wallace used to say that “the people of Alabama are just as cultured, refined and gracious as anyone else...

Byrne: Education in the time of the pandemic

Last week, I had a virtual conference with the leaders of the local school systems in our district. Starting a new school year is...

Rep. Simpson: Prison system issues show ‘lack of institutional control’

“Lack of institutional control.” Growing up as a sports fan in Alabama, and even when I attended the University of Alabama, I became familiar with...

Rethinking medical care

Governor Ivey imposed a statewide mask mandate last week as Alabama’s intensive care units (ICUs) approached capacity. We have experienced unprecedented restrictions on freedom...

Race relations — Making a difference!

Roy Williams, on behalf of the Birmingham Public Library, interviewed me recently about my book -- "Better Than Them, The Unmaking of an Alabama...

Roby: Honoring our service members

As the novel coronavirus pandemic continues to be a top focus throughout the country, it is important we do not forget about the selfless...

Don’t be fooled by a self-licking ice cream cone

What if I told you that the government could tax you, then shut down your ability to pay the taxes, then provide you the...

The freedom to speak and criticize

Harper’s magazine recently posted a letter signed by over 150 leading authors, journalists and public intellectuals calling for greater support for freedom of speech....

Roby: Your census response matters

As I recently wrote about all the ways government agencies are assisting during the current health pandemic, I want to focus on a significant...

Byrne: A fiscal reckoning

When the House returns to business next Monday, we will take up the National Defense Authorization Act I wrote about last week. Then, we...

To educate our children

Children often bear the worst of our challenges, and our disagreements. When Alabama public schools shut down in response to the coronavirus pandemic, we saw...

Broadband can be foundation for rural Alabama’s post-pandemic prosperity

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will create fundamental changes in the way industry, retailers, education systems, and average citizens perform tasks that were...

A victory in court for school choice

The U.S. Supreme Court recently delivered a “big win” for school choice and religious freedom. School choice enables competition, which economists find generally improves...

Rep. Martha Roby: Available COVID-19 support for Alabamians

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to present challenges to individuals and businesses across our state and country. It is no secret that many have...

Guest: Jeff Sessions has never let Alabama down and he never will

Dear Friends, I find myself sharing these thoughts today about my friend, Jeff Sessions, whom I have known literally since kindergarten. In a world where...

State governors must lead by example and should be held accountable

Amid concerns of a second wave of the coronavirus, California has closed some of its beaches. The Dow dropped. Apple temporarily closed some of...

Time to replace liberal Doug with a conservative fighter who truly represents Alabama

For the past two-and-a-half years, Alabama has been at a decided disadvantage in the committee rooms, corridors and chambers of the U.S. Senate as...

Singleton: Leadership is being constant to something greater than yourself

I left Montgomery on Thursday evening fuming. In four weeks, more than 700,000 K-12 students, teachers, nurses and administrators across 138 school districts will...

Byrne: Our common defense

Last week, the House Armed Services Committee, which I’m proud to be a member of, passed and sent to the full House the William...

Sharing our self-governance in emergencies

Who rules us? For centuries, the dominant American answer has been that we rule ourselves. But there are alternative views. As long as there...

With rural areas risking hospital closures, telemedicine is all the more critical

Hospital closures are occurring at an alarming pace all over the country, but disproportionate closures in rural areas leave already-vulnerable residents at an even...

Herds and the policy response to COVID-19

Governments implemented strict policies to stem the spread of the novel coronavirus. The widespread response suggests that governors and presidents saw COVID-19 as an...

Alabama needs to limit uncertainty for healthcare providers in the pandemic

Uncertainty can be crippling. In many, it turns an energetic “can-do” spirit into a cautious “wait and see” mentality. In 2011, more than half of...