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Guest Opinion

Rep. Jerry Carl: Supporting the security of our nation

The Biden Administration has proven time again to be working against the American people. This past week I fought for our law enforcement officers,...

Jack Caine: Detroit’s guide to religion in Alabama

Football is a religion in Alabama. And if anyone commits an act of sacrilege against the Vicar of Tuscaloosa, the consequences are sharp and...

Steve Flowers: A Democrat wins a House seat in Alabama

The national media has been keenly interested that a Democrat has been elected to an Alabama House of Representatives seat. I have had several...

Rep. Lomax, Sen. Bell: Advanced air mobility is Alabama’s next frontier

Alabama’s approach to economic development receives high praise from corporate leaders around the globe, and rightfully so. The reasons for our success are straightforward:...

Mike Ball: Where did we go wrong? Alabama patients are still waiting for medical cannabis

The best laid plans of mice and men almost always go awry, but that’s not a good reason to give up. Sir Edmund Hilary...

Tim Harrison: Mercedes workers are wise to question UAW campaign promises

The United Auto Workers recently won a workforce unionization vote at a Volkswagen manufacturing facility in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Now the union has set its...

Rep. Carl: Fighting Mexico’s illegal seizure of Alabama’s Vulcan Materials

Two years ago, the Mexican government launched an illegal invasion and takeover of Alabama-based Vulcan Materials Co.’s deep-water port in Mexico. In May 2022,...

Gerrick Wilkins: Alabama’s automotive industry at risk with the unwelcome arrival of UAW

With over 25 years of experience in the automotive industry, I have had the privilege of watching Alabama ascend to the forefront of manufacturing...

Rep. Jerry Carl: Biden’s ‘America Last’ agenda

The Biden Administration is totally out of control, and American people are hurting the worst. Biden’s regulations have noticeably burdened the American people in...

Riley McArdle: Anti-Israel protest at the University of Alabama shows Joe Biden is even more unpopular than we thought

On Wednesday, during their week of final exams, students at the University of Alabama found time to gather in the university’s Student Center Plaza...

Susan DuBose, UPenn swimmer: You know what a woman is – let’s make sure Alabama law does too

Alabama parents do not share the Biden administration’s goal of creating a society where biological sex is replaced with ‘gender identity’ in our schools...

State Sen. Allen: First responders need support as new generation of automobiles emerge

As EVs and charging stations become more common in Alabama and across the nation, there is a need for first responders to be better equipped and...

Justice Will Sellers: Discrimination’s diversity

One hundred years ago, Congress passed and President Calvin Coolidge signed a new immigration bill. While relatively uncontroversial in the United States - it...

Tourism Director: Agreement on Beach Express Bridge is victory for all Alabamians

When Gov. Kay Ivey announced recently that Alabama had agreed to buy the Foley Beach Express Bridge and eliminate its tolls, you could almost...

Former U.S. Attorney Jay Town: The reauthorization of FISA 702 was vital to national security

The Reauthorization of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was absolutely vital to our national security.  Why then is every bout...

Stephanie Smith: API applauds Senators who voted ‘no’ for gambling

Last night, a majority of the Senate Republican Caucus voted against a statewide legalization and expansion of Vegas-style casinos. API sincerely appreciates each of...

Laura Clark: Voting down the lottery and gambling is a high stakes game for Alabama’s future

The Alabama Senate appears set to vote down the lottery and gaming bill by a single vote. One vote against bringing billions of dollars...

Christians United for Israel: Alabama’s unwavering support for Israel echoes through Congress

After months of gridlock, last week both chambers of Congress passed, and the President signed, a vital national security supplemental package that addresses several...

Boswell: Let’s reach our goal of high-speed internet for all Alabamians

I’ve worked with Governor Kay Ivey for quite a while, and when she says she wants something done, she means it.  When Governor Ivey asked...

Rep. Carl: Standing against antisemitism

The surge of antisemitism across our nation is unacceptable. Pro-Hamas protestors have displayed signs advocating for the extermination of Jews with slogans like "The...

Will Ainsworth: I encourage all of my friends and neighbors in Marshall County to support Jeana Ross

As a former state representative who held the House District 27 seat, I encourage all of my friends and neighbors in Marshall County to...

Waggoner, Smitherman: Alabama needs a biotech training center to support a vital, growing industry

Alabama is a great place to do business, but we can be even better by helping employers address what they continually describe as their...

Steve Flowers: Nathaniel Ledbetter a very powerful Speaker of the House

As the 2024 Regular Legislative Session began about three months ago, I had a column entitled “2024 Legislative Session Begins Next Week.” In that column...

Speaker Ledbetter: A history lesson on the UAW

I grew up in a textile town that was once called "The Sock Capitol of the World." So, if you had told me 20...