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Guest Opinion

Venison recipes that are perfect for the holidays

When that Thanksgiving turkey has been reduced to a discarded carcass, it’s time to break out those wild game and fish recipes to enjoy...

Byrne: A national compact

Four hundred years ago this month, a group of just over 100 people arrived off the shores of Cape Cod after a two-month sail...

Justice Will Sellers: The enduring legacy of Margaret Thatcher

Thirty years ago, this week, the longest serving British prime minister of the 20th-century resigned. Margaret Thatcher, having governed since 1979, saw her leadership...

Aderholt: 400 years later, the Pilgrim story is more relevant than ever

This Thanksgiving will be different from any other we have had in our lifetimes. This past year has been a struggle, as every single...

Martha Roby: Giving thanks and staying safe

Thanksgiving is a special holiday because it provides us an entire day each year to pause and give thanks for the many blessings we...

How dare we defend our rights

Emblazoned above the doors of the Alabama State House is a Latin phrase that is translated “We Dare Defend Our Rights.” It is a...

Byrne: Much to do

Congress returns to Washington this week after a six-week hiatus for the election. Since the end of July, we have only met for a...

Why Small Business Saturday really matters in 2020

Without a doubt, the coronavirus is taking a toll on Alabama’s small businesses. Governor Ivey has gradually eased many of the restrictions put in place...

Alabama must continue to strengthen, not weaken, state election laws

As the nation watches the news unfold about allegations of fraud and irregularities in some battleground states, Election Day in Alabama appeared to generally...

The future of the American project

Former Vice President Joe Biden has won a narrow victory in the presidential election. President Trump, however, claims the election was stolen through fraud....

Roby: Coronavirus cases continue to rise

Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away, which means the Christmas holiday season will be here before we know it. The holidays bring many...

Roby: God bless our veterans

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of the year 1918, the armistice ending World War I was signed....

Byrne: What America said

Election Day has come and gone. Despite the fact that multiple national news sites have “called” the presidential election, court cases and recounts are...

The Supreme Court will not pick the president, but it could have a role

The specter of dimpled chads has emerged to haunt American politics. Twenty years after the contested presidential election of George W. Bush against Al...

High-speed broadband internet emerges as critical quality of life issue in Alabama

After wrestling with a public health emergency over the past months, Alabama consumers and businesses have learned that good, high quality and fast broadband...

Georgia Senate run-off races important to the nation and the state of Alabama

As the nation watches the aftermath of the presidential election unfold, the other unfinished business is what happens in the United States Senate. Based on...

The best way to fight COVID?

Governments have used nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPI), or lockdowns, to contain COVID-19. But do NPI protect public health overall? A group of medical experts recently...

Will Sellers: In defense of the Electoral College

I came of age politically with the 1968 presidential election. Alabama Governor George Wallace was running as an independent against Richard Nixon and Hubert...

As citizens, we must expect less from government and more from ourselves

I have the honor of leading the Alabama Policy Institute, a non-partisan, non-profit educational and research institution which has championed free markets, limited government...

Byrne: After the election — One nation under God

I’ll never forget sitting in the U.S. House Chamber in January of 2017 watching the counting of the Electoral College votes from the 2016...

The ride of a lifetime

Growing up off Dauphin Island Parkway in Mobile, love and support were in large supply for Jaysum Hunter even if money was not. But...

Roby: COVID-19 will not shake our democracy

Election Day is here, and it’s safe to say that this year’s election looks quite different than those of the past. As we continue...

Setting the record straight on Baldwin County’s toll fallacies

Baldwin County voters will head to the polls in just a matter of days to cast their vote on a full ballot, including several...

Rejecting the Joe Biden energy plan and the Green New Deal

Energy is a resource that we cannot ignore. It is a crucial part of our everyday lives in America. When we flip the lights...