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Guest Opinion

COVID-19 hit rural Alabama hospitals hard, but new initiatives are paving the way forward

The COVID-19 pandemic arrived at the worst time for rural Alabamians. In the weeks leading up to our state’s first case of the unfamiliar...

Guest: Access to fiber infrastructure more crucial now than ever

There is no doubt the topic of infrastructure is on the minds of many Americans. Seventy-four percent of respondents to a June 2021 Pew...

Carl: President Biden is to blame for Afghanistan

Over the weekend, people across the world watched as President Biden allowed the Taliban to take control of more than 20 of Afghanistan's 34...

Flowers: Status of race for Shelby’s seat

The field may be set for the race to fill the Seat of our iconic senior U.S. Senator, Richard Shelby. When Senator Shelby announced...

Aderholt: Broadband divide has created two Americas

The markup process for the 2022 federal budget is well underway, and as a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I have been heavily...

Guest: Don’t let vaccine hesitancy become vaccine regret

The epidemic of misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines has contributed to the tragic loss of life for an untold number of our fellow citizens....

Arnold Mooney: Mo Brooks — The real deal on immigration

Donald Trump recently endorsed Representative Mo Brooks in his bid to become the next senator from Alabama. It's not hard to see why. The President...

John Merrill: Why only citizens should vote

A growing number of left-leaning political activists and thinkers are proposing that Democrats should legalize non-citizen voting in a purely political power grab. In...

Carl: President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed is a medical miracle

For the past year and a half, our nation – and the entire world – have been dealt a massive blow by the COVID-19...

Flowers: Governor Ivey should coast to reelection

For over a year I have been touting the fact that the 2022 election year in the Heart of Dixie was going to be...

Why is inflation costly?

Inflation exceeded 5% in June. Double-digit inflation burdened Americans in the 1970s. Although we treat inflation as bad, economists find its costs hard to...

Dr. Tyler Hughes: This is simply the plea of a concerned physician to his family and friends

Editor's note: This originally appeared on Facebook I don’t post often on social media. But today, I feel compelled to give you some insight from...

Katie Britt: Long past time we talk about mental health

The subject of mental health has been all the buzz on news broadcasts, sports shows and around dinner tables all over the world this...

Aderholt: Biden’s defense budget is weak, doesn’t meet the challenges presented by our adversaries

Congress is currently in the middle of the markup process for the 2022 federal budget. As a member of the appropriations committee, I serve...

CJ Pearson: It’s time for student leaders to fight back against vaccine mandates

Last week, Birmingham Southern-College, a small liberal arts school located in Birmingham, Alabama, announced that all students who refused to take the COVID-19 vaccine...

Carl: Protecting the Hyde Amendment should be a bipartisan effort

For the past 40 years, Congress has upheld a policy to prevent tax dollars from being used by federal agencies to promote or perform...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Shower freedom goes down the drain

The 1992 Energy Policy Act authorized imposition of energy and water efficiency standards on household and commercial products. Consumers have not been thrilled with...

Flowers: Governor Kay Ivey second governor from Wilcox County

Kay Ivey is doing a good job as governor. She is a strong and decisive leader, who has done more than steady the ship...

Tuberville: National defense bill includes big wins for Alabama

“Speak softly, but carry a big stick,” was President Theodore Roosevelt’s motto when it came to our country’s security posture. America’s strong national defense...

Tim James: A house divided against itself cannot stand

Last week the discussion of COVID vaccination burst into the news and ripped the scab right off the wound exposing the divide among Alabamians...

State Rep. Wes Allen: Biden administration’s mixed message on COVID shows he doesn’t put Americans first

The Biden administration is issuing warnings to Americans regarding the increasing number of COVID cases across the country. Calls for a return to mask-wearing...

Justice Will Sellers: Celebrating Peru’s bicentennial

Few calendars in this part of the Western Hemisphere will note it, but on July 28, Peru celebrates 200 years of independence. Two centuries...

Ivey: The Trump administration gave us the best weapons against COVID-19. We should use them.

Washington, D.C., is so hyper-politically polarized these days, it’s no wonder Americans have tuned out the earnest pleas of the nation’s top doctors, their...

Carl: Standing with the Cuban people in their fight for freedom

For the past few weeks, the world has watched as thousands of Cuban citizens have taken to the streets to protest a Communist system...