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Guest Opinion

Flowers: Annual legislative session underway

The 2022 annual regular session of the legislature has begun. It began January 11 and constitutionally can last three and one-half months, which would...

Aderholt: Biden’s big deception

At the anniversary of Joe Biden’s inauguration, we reflect on a year of unfulfilled promises, radical leftwing policies, out of control inflation, foreign policy...

Guest: Southern Research building castle for 21st century, investing in future of Birmingham

The coronavirus pandemic revealed health care heroes in our midst. I am proud to work with many of them at Southern Research. Since the...

Dale Strong: A change in Washington is needed

There has always been a disconnect between Washington D.C. and working-class Americans, but under the Biden administration, that divide is deepening. Every week, it...

Everyone has a story

2020 was a challenging year for the tourism and hospitality industry. As a result of the pandemic, travel came to a near halt, jobs...

Carl: Where is President Biden?

I’m a firm believer that when the President of the United States – whether they’re a Democrat or a Republican – does well, the...

Beth Chapman: State of the State Cliffs Notes

So, what can be read in five minutes in a column that was said in a 30-minute, seven-page speech – the State of the...

Guest: Biden EV proposal treats Alabama auto workers as foreigners

The massive “Build Back Better” spending bill (BBB) being considered by Congress includes a proposed tax credit for electric vehicles (EVs) that discriminates against...

Guest: Increasing EV charging infrastructure supports Drive Electric Alabama

As automobile manufacturers across the globe announced significant investments in electric vehicles (EV) in recent years, it became increasingly important for Alabama leaders to...

Rogers: Getting China out of our business once and for all

China is the most devious and all-encompassing threat facing the United States today. With communist China’s influence throughout the world being so pervasive, the...

Justice Will Sellers: The miracle of the Anglo-Irish Treaty

One vision of utopia includes the conversion of weapons of war into farming implements. The Bible anticipates a time when swords will be beaten into...

Carl: What to expect from Congress in 2022

The House returns to Washington this week to begin the second session of the 117th Congress. Last year was a jam-packed legislative year as...

Beth Chapman: Gambling, guns and other issues

This session is likely to be a sensitive one for most legislators. For at least 23 of them, it is their last session and...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Some things are getting better

2021 proved to be another challenging year due to COVID-19, although life did more resemble normal. Bad events can blind us to the ways...

Guest: Alabama can combat anti-Israel hate by divesting from Unilever

Something is rotten in Vermont. Ben & Jerry’s, perhaps the state’s most iconic global brand, decided in July to embrace and participate in the...

Beth Chapman: More accessibility to government this session

“If you like laws and sausages, you should never watch either one being made.” That is a quote too often used and attributed to...

Carl: Why I’m running for reelection

A few short years ago, my wife Tina and I watched our son return from active combat in Afghanistan, and we noticed he struggled...

Guest: Rep. Jerry Carl, Alabama delegation secure shipbuilding funds in annual defense bill

Last week, President Joe Biden signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act, an annual defense policy bill which gained final approval in Congress...

Beth Chapman: New Year’s resolutions

New Year’s resolutions originated over 4,000 years ago with the ancient Babylonians. They had the first documented New Year’s celebrations. During Akitu, a vast 12-day...

Flowers: We lost some good ones in 2021

As has been my custom for 18 years, I like for my yearend column to be a remembrance of Alabama political figures who have...

Yaffee’s COVID adventure

So this past week it finally happened. I caught COVID. I don’t know which one for sure I caught, but my educated guess is...

Carl: My first year in Congress

Next Monday marks exactly one year since I was sworn in to represent Alabama’s First District in the 117th Congress. It’s hard to believe...

Flowers: State Sen. Jimmy Holley isn’t seeking reelection

Legendary State Senator Jimmy Holley has decided to not seek reelection to the State Senate next year after 44 years in the legislature. He...

Guest: Alabama’s problem with violent suspects killing people while out on bail

Americans have recently begun waking up to the disastrous consequences of bail reform efforts that are being led by progressive district attorneys across the...