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Guest Opinion

Former U.S. Attorney Jay Town: The reauthorization of FISA 702 was vital to national security

The Reauthorization of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was absolutely vital to our national security.  Why then is every bout...

Stephanie Smith: API applauds Senators who voted ‘no’ for gambling

Last night, a majority of the Senate Republican Caucus voted against a statewide legalization and expansion of Vegas-style casinos. API sincerely appreciates each of...

Laura Clark: Voting down the lottery and gambling is a high stakes game for Alabama’s future

The Alabama Senate appears set to vote down the lottery and gaming bill by a single vote. One vote against bringing billions of dollars...

Christians United for Israel: Alabama’s unwavering support for Israel echoes through Congress

After months of gridlock, last week both chambers of Congress passed, and the President signed, a vital national security supplemental package that addresses several...

Boswell: Let’s reach our goal of high-speed internet for all Alabamians

I’ve worked with Governor Kay Ivey for quite a while, and when she says she wants something done, she means it.  When Governor Ivey asked...

Rep. Carl: Standing against antisemitism

The surge of antisemitism across our nation is unacceptable. Pro-Hamas protestors have displayed signs advocating for the extermination of Jews with slogans like "The...

Will Ainsworth: I encourage all of my friends and neighbors in Marshall County to support Jeana Ross

As a former state representative who held the House District 27 seat, I encourage all of my friends and neighbors in Marshall County to...

Waggoner, Smitherman: Alabama needs a biotech training center to support a vital, growing industry

Alabama is a great place to do business, but we can be even better by helping employers address what they continually describe as their...

Steve Flowers: Nathaniel Ledbetter a very powerful Speaker of the House

As the 2024 Regular Legislative Session began about three months ago, I had a column entitled “2024 Legislative Session Begins Next Week.” In that column...

Speaker Ledbetter: A history lesson on the UAW

I grew up in a textile town that was once called "The Sock Capitol of the World." So, if you had told me 20...

Steve Marshall: How would you help? A call to action during National Crime Victims Week

Each April, the nation takes a week to come together to remember those who have fallen victim to crime. It is a week where we...

Dr. Tom Price: Alabama could take important step in reducing harm from tobacco

More than 28 million adult Americans continue to be cigarette smokers, including more than 618,000 Alabamians. This habit not only hurts their personal health,...

State Rep. Mooney: Labor unions replace hope with hopelessness, jobs with joblessness

In the next few weeks, employees at the Mercedes Benz automotive manufacturing plant in Vance, Alabama will vote upon whether to join forces with...

Rep. Jerry Carl: Combatting foreign enemies and strengthening our border

Putting America first has been and will remain my top priority. Recently, the House voted on crucial pieces of legislation that secure our Southern Border,...

Wilkins: Alabama’s educational drive toward excellence shows gears for growth

Witnessing my daughter excel in her sophomore year at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, especially as she prepares to enter her Junior year...

Laura Clark: The new generation of Democrats replaces faith with extreme politics

Welcome to the new generation of Democrats. You’ve seen them. In fact, you can’t miss them. They are the ones waving Palestinian flags. They...

Steve Flowers: State leaders all aboard on ‘Working for Alabama’ plan

Anyone who follows the Legislative Session each year in Montgomery, knows that it is never short of controversy.  The House has its priorities, the Senate...

Wes Allen: Banning ranked choice voting is the next step in ensuring Alabama elections are the most secure in the country

On the heels of Alabama’s ballot harvesting ban, I am turning my attention towards the next step in ensuring Alabama elections are the most...

Alabama Congressman Terry Everett was a visionary in the age of American missile defense

Duncan Hunter was a Republican member of the House of Representatives from California's 52nd, 45th and 42nd districts from 1981-2009. He was Chaiman of...

Rex Jones: Update Alabama’s tax code to accommodate new smoke-free alternatives

The free market always innovates faster than the speed of government. We see this in nearly every sector of the economy as new products emerge that...

NFIB Alabama: Frivolous lawsuits are making a bad economic situation even worse for small businesses

Inflation may be one of the biggest challenges facing Alabama’s small businesses, but frivolous lawsuits make a bad situation even worse. Many lawsuits are legitimate....

Steve Flowers: Second Congressional District primary runoffs ahead

Those of you who live in the new Second Congressional District have runoffs this coming Tuesday. This is the most interesting and entertaining political...

Perry Hooper: Dick Brewbaker is the clear choice in GOP runoff

In the high-stakes Republican primary runoff for Alabama's 2nd Congressional District, there is one clear cut choice: Dick Brewbaker. Make no bones about it,...

API’s Stephanie Smith: Don’t put your hope in an education lottery

Last week, the Alabama House of Representatives voice voted to non-concur with the Senate changes to HB 151 and HB 152 and created a...