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Guest Opinion

Steve Flowers: Congressional lines and congressmen will remain the same

For several years leading up to the 20 Census count, the national projections were that Alabama would lose one of our seven congressional districts...

Guest: Health care workers not immune to growing mental health crisis, but help is available

Our country faces an unprecedented mental health crisis. Two out of five adults report suffering from symptoms of anxiety and depression. More than half...

State Rep. Collins: Legislature passes more than two dozen bills to improve public education outcomes across Alabama

Often lost among the more provocative and controversial bills that generate headlines and hullabaloo during legislative sessions are the solid policy measures designed to...

Beth Chapman: VOICES shares facts, legislature provides help

The legislative session just concluded and coincided with the release of VOICES for Alabama’s Children’s annual data book. The VOICES report indicated we have...

Carl: Biden gives green light for illegal immigrants to flood the southern border

President Biden’s policies have made every community in America a border city, and deadly fentanyl is flowing across the southern border and into communities...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: War, policy and high gas prices

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sent already rising oil prices even higher. Record gas prices are fueling the highest inflation rate in 40 years. President...

Reflections: The witness of Watergate

The scandal rocked the nation for two years. It was the origin of the “gate” reference to most every other scandal and the genesis...

Flowers: Fob James story, 1978 governor’s race

The crowded field for governor striving to oust incumbent Governor Kay Ivey, includes Tim James. He has run before. In fact, this is his...

Tuberville: Biden is giving a green light where there should be a stop sign

Illegal immigration is at an all-time high. Just last year, nearly 2 million illegal immigrants from more than 160 countries were apprehended at our...

Carl: Biden misses the mark on defense spending

Every year, the President of the United States puts forth a budget proposal for the upcoming fiscal year. While a president’s budget proposal is...

Justice Will Sellers: The consensus justice

It was no surprise when 60 years ago President Kennedy nominated Byron White as an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court. With few...

Guest: Nobody knows who owns half of Alabama’s would-be casinos (do the powerful hope to keep it that way?)

The house always wins. But when it comes to half of the casinos that may open across Alabama if the current gambling bill passes, the public will...

Beth Chapman: Prepare for Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Children’s charities will cover the doors of local businesses with symbolic blue ribbons, schools will have poster contests,...

Flowers: Young Boozer, state treasurer

Young Boozer is state treasurer, again, and deservedly so. Boozer was first elected as Alabama’s State Treasurer in 2010. He did an excellent job during...

Guests: Together, we must prioritize Alabama’s mental health crisis

No one is immune to the impact of mental health or substance use, especially in Alabama. In 2021, Alabamians identified mental health and substance...

Guest: National Kidney Month provides reminder of cost hurdles for dialysis patients

The month of March marks National Kidney Month in the U.S., an opportunity to bring awareness to something that affects more than one in...

Guest: Why is Alabama so intent on criminalizing poverty?

As policy director for Alabama Appleseed Center for Law & Justice, my work is centered around the intersection of poverty and criminal justice –...

Guest: Alabama is last in math — The Numeracy Act will change that

If there is one thing that we know for sure in Alabama, it’s that good coaches make all the difference. Whether it’s Alabama football...

Carl: Federal government bureaucrats need accountability

Most of you are probably familiar with the phrase “drain the swamp.” Before I got elected, I knew the federal government was out of...

Beth Chapman: Alabama Senior Services Department

Among the agencies recognized in the governor’s cabinet is the Alabama Department of Senior Services (ADSS). It is the one agency with guaranteed longevity...

Rogers: We must secure our border to keep Americans safe

Joe Biden’s time in the White House has been an unmitigated disaster. He has presided over one failure after another with the crisis at...

Guest: List of state GOP lawmakers taking teacher union money (and who’s taking the most)

One would think that our nation’s pandemic experience during the last two years would give Alabama’s lawmakers, especially the “conservative” ones, a very good...

Letter to the editor: Ed Packard exceptionally qualified to assume the office of Secretary of State

Every election for every public office is important in a democracy. In the upcoming election, the election for Secretary of State throughout the country...

Carl: The United States should supply Ukraine with more military aid but stay out of the fight

Last Tuesday, I joined a bipartisan group of colleagues to listen to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy address Congress via video from a secure location...