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Guest Opinion

Carl: Life wins

Like many of you, I was thrilled last week to see the Supreme Court’s decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned...

Beth Chapman: Low turnout, high stakes

“The world is run by those who show up.” This quote has been used to motivate everyone from athletes to business leaders, but it’s...

Sunday Reflections: Prepare to meet God

It was a last minute and very fluid situation when our son determined to make a job-related move to Denver. He flew and asked...

Flowers: Do campaign ads pander?

During the waning days of the campaigns for governor and U.S. Senator, I received an inordinate amount of correspondence lamenting the outrageous, demagogic, disingenuous,...

Carl: The real cost of inflation

Recent estimates show that runaway inflation and increasing costs for essentially everything cost the typical American family an extra $5,200 a year to maintain...

Beth Chapman: Children’s Hospital recognized as the best

The one word we in Alabama want and need to hear when a child needs serious medical attention is “Children’s.” At Children’s Hospital of Alabama,...

Gov. Kay Ivey: When the world was a mess, Alabama showed plain common sense — Our tourists are proof positive of that

When the world was a mess, Alabama showed plain common sense. Our tourists are proof positive of that. Over the last two years, tourists and...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: What happened at Abbott?

The February shutdown of an Abbott Laboratories plant in Michigan due to contamination precipitated the nationwide baby formula shortage. The plant finally resumed production...

Mo Brooks: I just want Alabama and America to be great

I got into this U.S. Senate race for one reason: I have never before feared for the future of my country like I do...

Sunday Reflections: Don’t stop praying

Included in the lists of great speakers of the 20th century are Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Martin Luther King and Adolph Hitler. The latter addition...

Justice Will Sellers: Saint Hannah and her sinner son

The summer of 1974 in Washington, D.C. was a political bullfight; there was one bull, but a host of matadors, picadors and spectators galore...

Aderholt: Continuing the push for rural broadband in Alabama

Back in 2018, while I was serving as the chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, I oversaw the creation of the USDA’s...

U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton: Katie Britt is a tough conservative fighter who will put America first

We need more conservative fighters like Katie Britt in the U.S. Senate — leaders who defend our rights, stand strong for the rule of...

Carl: D.C. is the drama capital of the country

As Americans struggle to put gas in their cars (the national average is now over $5 a gallon), inflation is near a 40-year high,...

Beth Chapman: State parks – jewels of nature

When 77% of voting Alabamians passed a statewide amendment to improve our 21 state parks, they did us a favor. Of the $85-million bond...

Justice Will Sellers: Bending the universe toward justice

Dr. Martin Luther King argued that the arc of the moral universe is long and bends toward justice. This geometry lesson was used to...

Steve Flowers: Very impressive high steppin’ victory for Governor Ivey

Our popular high steppin’ pistol totin’ Governor Kay Ivey won a very impressive reelection victory for governor on May 24. Ivey turned back eight GOP...

Sunday Reflections: How far away is Jerusalem?

I met her at a conference where we were assigned to the same table. She was bubbling with excitement about her church. “It’s changed my...

John Merrill: Alabama welcomes chance to compete

For decades, Alabama workers have been at the forefront of supporting American warfighters. In January of this year, our support expanded as Lockheed Martin...

Carl: More gun control is not the answer

Like many of you, I grew up around guns and was taught to respect them and always treat them safely. I believe I got...

Beth Chapman: Political money, moxie and muscle

It takes money, moxie and muscle to defeat an incumbent. If you run against one, you’d better beat them. It happens fewer times than...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Demanding more from the police

The killing of 19 students and two teachers at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, has outraged Americans. The malfeasance of law enforcement during...

Sunday Reflections: Don’t marry a Canaanite

It used to be said that we had more Baptists than kudzu in Alabama. Now there are a few less since I bade farewell...

Flowers: TV still drives the vote

After the 1960 Kennedy vs. Nixon classic presidential contest, television became the medium for political campaigns. TV became the new campaign strategy in Alabama in...