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Guest Opinion

U.S. Rep. Jerry Carl: Commitment to America

As I travel South Alabama and speak with folks from around our district and state, it’s hard to find anyone who believes our country...

Guest: Electric Vehicles are the future of the auto industry – Alabama must make sure it has a place in that future

As the nation’s fourth-largest auto-manufacturing state, Alabama’s automotive industry has a huge impact on our economy, providing tens of thousands of Alabamians with good-paying...

Beth Chapman: They’re back

Libertarians are back on the ballot in Alabama for the first time in two decades. They are showing up in over 50 races across...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Labor market rollercoaster

Unemployment fell to 3.5% in July, the same historically low level as February 2020. The labor market remains strong despite high inflation and a...

Sunday Reflections: On second chances

It was a fearful time in 2006 when a number of rural churches were burned in Alabama. I remember a deacon's meeting in which we...

Steve Flowers: Legendary Alabamians

The longer I continue to write about Alabama politics, the more I realize that Alabama really is a “Big Front Porch” – a saying...

Hoover City Councilman Mike Shaw: Sen. Tuberville fighting for Alabamians’ financial freedoms

U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville recently introduced a critical piece of legislation, the "Financial Freedom Act" (S.4147). The bill was filed in response to an administrative...

Bradley Byrne: Alabama businesses want to compete

In 2018, as a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I voted for the Fair and Open Competition Act designed to preserve open...

Rep. Jerry Carl: The Inflation Reduction Act is wrong for America

This past Friday, the House voted on the Inflation Reduction Act, and it passed along party lines. You probably heard this bill talked about...

Legislature’s investment in water and sewer projects already paying dividends for Alabama communities

When Governor Kay Ivey called the Alabama Legislature into special session in January of this year, the task was clear: Allocate hundreds of millions...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: On lowering drug prices

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) does little to address inflation, primarily because it is a spending measure and government spending fueled our current inflation. One...

Sunday Reflections: Preaching to the choir

It was one of the worst blunders of all time when Major John Armstrong said, “Baltimore’s the thing.” Armstrong was Secretary of War under President...

Justice Will Sellers: The Swedish Revolution

Prior to the American Revolution and more than a decade before the French Revolution, there was the Swedish Revolution, which marks its 250th anniversary...

Guest: I literally don’t know what you’re talking about

“Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo” is a perfectly fine, grammatically correct English sentence describing how some New York bison intimidate others. But...

Carl: The Biden administration is bullying our kids

Alabama has more than 100,000 low-income kids across the state who depend on free or reduced-priced breakfasts and lunches at school (there are more...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Is this a recession?

Inflation-adjusted (real) GDP dipped 0.9% in the second quarter (Q2) after declining 1.6% in the first quarter, igniting debate over whether we are in...

Sunday Reflections: When Hollywood comes to town

During our years in Selma, Ala., two movie production crews came to the city. The first was the crew of “Blue Sky,” who filmed at...

Barry Moore: It’s time for Washington to listen to the American people, not political consultants

You won’t hear it in White House press room propaganda, but America is on a collision course with disaster. Inflation, fueled by “stimulus” packages like...

Terry Lathan: Coming together for the U.S. Senate race delivers a win for Alabama and America

As the primary election season is cooling down, the general election is heating up. There is much at stake in November for our state...

Carl: Why I voted against the Democrats’ gun grab

Several weeks ago, I shared some of my thoughts about the gun control debate. There’s no doubt we have a real problem in this...

Beth Chapman: Was ‘justice’ really served?

I’ll take the names out of it so it’s not so personal. Last week the state executed a man who killed his ex-girlfriend in...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: In defense of fossil fuels

Governments are promising to end fossil fuel use by 2050 or sooner. Fossil Future by Alex Epstein, founder of the Center for Industrial Progress,...

Sunday Reflections: A bag with holes

Best-selling author James Patterson in his new autobiography told about being on the “Oprah” show in Chicago. He and his co-writer came to promote...

Flowers: 1962 governor’s race

It is hard to believe it has been 60 years since George Wallace’s first victorious race for governor. Let’s go down memory lane and...