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Guest Opinion

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Can we halt research?

Elon Musk, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, and Stability AI founder Emad Mostque have signed an open letter calling for a pause in cutting-edge artificial...

Justice Will Sellers: The integrity for commerce

Trading in commodities, which are ingredients or components of finished goods, is the focus of global commerce. Information about commodities, their availability, and the...

Perez: Jobs Act, Growing Alabama key for quality of life

The Alabama House and Senate have been in full swing since the 2023 legislative session began in early March, and one of their top priorities...

Rep. Carl: Justice system broken

Since the early days of then-candidate Donald Trump’s campaign for the presidency, it’s been clear that the political establishment and our justice system are...

Senate Pro Tem Reed: Senate reinvesting in Alabama economy

Economic development and job creation are always among the top priority for leaders and elected officials each year. Gov. Kay Ivey has consistently made this...

Sen. Tuberville: Time to stop falling back

Last month we leapt forward. We should never fall back again. Enough is enough. The idea of Daylight Saving Time was originally known as "War...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: TikTok and national security

The House Energy and Commerce Committee grilled ByteDance CEO Show Zi Chew as Congress seeks to either force a sale of TikTok to a...

Steve Flowers: Marshall, Coffee counties political breeding grounds

Over the years, certain counties in Alabama have bred an inordinate number of governors and state political leaders. The three most prominent enclaves, historically, have...

Elevating Young Voices: We don’t know how to talk to each other

Welcome to Elevating Young Voices, a series that provides a platform for the next generation of leaders to share their perspectives on issues in America...

Rep. Estes: If able, we should be willing

Maybe I am simply more observant with age, but it seems American society is changing almost daily. And the changes I am noticing surface at...

Speaker Ledbetter: We Alabamians are the competitive edge

Alabama is blessed with countless natural resources, vibrant tourism, and internationally recognized automotive and aerospace industries, but most importantly, we are blessed with hard-working...

Boswell: Alabama building on-ramps to information superhighway

Infrastructure is critical to almost every aspect of daily life. You can’t get to work without roads, you can’t light your home without access to...

Rep. Jerry Carl: A busy day in Congress

Since Congress controls the federal government’s purse strings, one of our primary responsibilities is holding hearings and meetings with officials from the President’s administration...

Lt. Gov. Ainsworth: Time is now to cut grocery tax

For all of my adult life, politicians in Montgomery have talked about the need to remove the state sales tax from groceries, but they...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Is this a bailout?

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) became the second largest bank failure in American history this month. How has the government responded and does this constitute...

Steve Flowers: 2026 Governor’s race has begun

Alabama’s original 1901 Constitution had a law whereby the governor could only serve one four-year term and not succeed themselves.  In 1968, the law was...

Rep. Brown: We have a solution to environmental challenges

Walter Brooke told Dustin Hoffman in the 1967 film "The Graduate" that “there’s a great future in plastics.” Well, he wasn’t wrong. Plastics are in...

Alabama a model in broadband expansion

Alabama has made significant investments over the past five years to expand broadband access across the state, and as a result, we are making great...

Poole: Investing in Alabama’s Innovation Economy

Gov. Kay Ivey has clearly established economic development as a top priority for her administration since her first day as Governor, and we’ve certainly...

Rep. Carl: Restoring parents’ voices in their child’s education

Parents have the right to make decisions for their children, especially when it comes to their education. Unfortunately, countless school districts have been ignoring input...

Ivey: Four years of Rebuilding Alabama

March 12 marked the fourth anniversary of Rebuild Alabama, possibly the most monumental legislation ever passed in Alabama’s history. Since its enactment, Rebuild Alabama...

Radiance CEO Bill Bailey: More F-35 fighters needed

When President Biden talks about “modernizing our military to safeguard stability and deter aggression” as he did in his State of the Union, it...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: A national divorce and economic policy

Comments from U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene have brought attention to the idea of a national divorce. A national divorce would enable the enactment...

Coming attraction: Cutting-edge research and care

Growing up in North Alabama, I remember watching movie trailers with excitement. They always ended with a deep voice that said, “opening soon in select...