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Watch: When CNN can’t blame economic news on Trump, they just declare it is ‘quirky’ and doesn’t really matter

A retraction in the economy shows that inflation, energy prices and general discontentment are affecting the growth in the United States' Gross Domestic Product,...

7 Things: The economy retracted last quarter but Biden isn’t so sure, no debates in Alabama’s U.S. Senate or contested congressional race and more...

7. Accused cop killer pleads not guilty Brian Lansing Martin is the accused murderer of Sheffield police Sargent Nick Risner, and he’s currently facing...

Watch: MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough thinks the 2022 election is a referendum on you as a person and not Joe Biden’s terrible policies

The 2022 midterms are going to be pretty bad for Democrats, and their cheerleaders in the media seem to know that. Unfortunately, for them, the...

7 Things: Biden looks to mollify his base with student loan giveaway, Tuberville joins chorus of lawmakers demanding Biden get serious on the southern...

7. Mo Brooks responds to sloppy hit-piece by inept political hatchet man Yesterday, former no-show government employee and the man claiming to be the...

Watch: The media elite are telling on themselves as they warn you that Twitter could become a weapon wielded against them

After a 2020 election where the American media and big tech colluded to hide information from the American people, you would think they would...

7 Things: Alabama U.S. Senate candidates continue to make their case, 4 Alabama Republicans call out Biden admin on illegal immigration wave and more...

7. Biden announces pardons; 3 Alabama meth dealers get the honor President Joe Biden has announced his first round of presidential pardons, granting 75...

7 Things: Media freak out over Musk buying Twitter, Alabama U.S. Senate debate seems unlikely as attacks escalate and more …

7. Russia is rolling in Ukraine, despite the 15,000 dead  Russia seems to be close to seizing the city of Mariupol, which would significantly...

7 Things: Alabamians lament inflation’s impact, Biden cuts gas prices a massive 3 cents a gallon and more …

7. Confederate supporters taking today off State offices in Alabama are observing Confederate Memorial Day and Robert E. Lee Day. The holiday has been a...

Watch: Attacks on people of faith over politics are fine, but only one particular faith

MSNBC contributor Matthew Dowd, a former Bush/Cheney strategist, gleefully takes to cable news to rip conservative Christians for not being Christian enough. Dowd's attack is...

Watch: Even after leaving office, the media still have to lie about what Donald Trump does and says

Former President Donald Trump has been out of office since January 2021, but the media and their Democrats can't stop obsessing over him. Piers Morgan...

7 Things: Education pros don’t understand why parental rights laws were passed, attacks continue in Alabama’s Senate race and more …

7. Florida has voted to remove Disney’s self-governing status; Corporations on notice The state of Florida’s legislature has officially voted to remove Walt Disney...

Watch: Lots of folks in the media and politics are making it clear that masking is about political science — not medical science

After a federal judge ended the masking requirement in the transportation sector, she came under attack from many angles. The attacks included her age,...

7 Things: Durant’s immigration views questioned, Kay Ivey continues to draw the best enemies out to attack her and more …

7. Lawsuit alleges that free speech was violated in Florence The group Project Say Something has filed a lawsuit against Florence Police Chief Ron Tyler,...

Watch: MSNBC’s Joy Reid thinks masculinity is somehow about making white babies with ‘laser beams’

Apparently, Fox News Channel's Tucker Carlson is doing a special on the lack of masculinity in America and the rise of the radical left....

7 Things: Trump won’t rally in Alabama before the run-off, masking signs coming down at Alabama airports and more …

7. Manchin: Keep Iran sanctions in place  President Joe Biden’s administration is considering a new nuclear deal with Iran, but U.S. Senator Joe Manchin...

Watch: CNN’s lead political reporter wants you to back off Joe Biden because there isn’t much the president can do about America’s issues

It is not every day that a reporter for a major media outlet takes to the airwaves and decides they want to say that...

7 Things: Millions of dollars remain unspent in Alabama’s U.S. Senate race, mask mandate shot out of the sky and more …

7. People will still come to Alabama to do business While speaking to the Birmingham Business Alliance, Governor Kay Ivey discussed Alabama’s strong position...

Watch: The elites fear you having the ability to speak your mind — You must be silenced to save America

Tesla CEO Elon Musk's attempt to purchase Twitter has the nation's powerbrokers terrified, and for good reason. Musk wants more voices in the conversation to...

7 Things: Media hacks attack Alabama gubernatorial candidates, immigration becomes U.S. Senate issue in Alabama and more …

7. Florida has rejected 41% of math books The Department of Education in Florida has rejected a large number of textbooks that were being considered...

A U.S. Senate debate could happen, Ivey says gambling is her biggest regret and more on Alabama Politics This Week …

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and 256Today CEO Mecca Musick take you through Alabama’s biggest political stories, including: — Will the proposed television debate...

Watch: No one wants more illegal immigration in the United States, especially not Hispanics

America is getting ready to see yet another massive wave of illegal immigration, not that we have ever seen it stop since President Donald...

7 Things: Tim James defiant in face of dishonest criticism over anti-LGBTQ school ad, Ivey capitulates to the AEA as she agrees to pass...

7. Today is not the tax deadline The tax filing deadline is normally April 15 of each year, pandemic years excluded, but this year,...

Watch: The media and their Democrats’ freakout over Twitter and Elon Musk is pretty telling

Twitter may not be a public square, but the debate over the spirit of the First Amendment is alive and well -- both on...

7 Things: Biden crushing Democrats’ 2022 chances, Alabama U.S. Senate debate possible but Durant won’t commit and more …

7. Shooter in New York City subway attack was a career criminal racist The attacker in the New York City subway shooting that left 19...