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Brooks: ‘To too many people, black lives don’t matter if it is a black that’s taking the life of another black’

Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) on Thursday morning remotely interviewed on Talk 99.5’s “The Matt & Aunie Show.”

The Republican congressman from North Alabama spoke to Andrea Lindenberg and guest co-host Andrew McClain in a wide-ranging discussion that lasted more than 17 minutes.

Beginning his comments, Brooks addressed President Donald Trump the previous day speaking about a four-year-old boy who was murdered in Kansas City, MO, as he slept. Named after the boy, Operation LeGend has been launched by the president to utilize federal law enforcement resources to crack down on violent crime in certain urban areas across the United States.

Brooks decried “the loss of life associated with the socialist mayors making the decision that they’re going to bend a knee to the criminal element, which of course only encourages more crime, particularly crimes of violence.”

“You’re seeing it running amuck with the murders that occur on a regular basis in places like Chicago,” he continued. “You saw it in Seattle with that CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) or CHOP, whatever you want to call that region of the city where they threw out the police department and acted as an autonomous zone for some period of time. You’re seeing it in New York City, where crimes of violence have just blown through the roof…”

The congressman advised that “the only way to deter crime is through swift counteraction of significance, contrary to what these mayors are doing and what some of these governors are doing.”

Pushing back on the claim that Trump sending in federal agents to select cities to quell violent crime is akin to tyranny, Brooks pointed to what he views as hypocrisy by many protesters who have been advocating for racial justice.

“Well, apparently to too many people, black lives don’t matter if it is a black that’s taking the life of another black,” he remarked. “And that’s wrong. That’s racist. All lives should matter, regardless of the accident of skin pigmentation that you got at birth. And we should be doing everything we can to protect the lives of Americans by ensuring that the criminal element is eliminated from our society as best as we can eliminate it — either by execution under our capital punishment laws or by imprisonment. That’s how you protect American citizens from criminal activity and also how you deter other people from engaging in criminal activity.”

“But the more criminals believe they can get away with things, the more they believe they can push harder, the more they’re going to do it — and of course, the result is going to be dead Americans,” Brooks further warned.

Listen to the full interview:

RELATED: Marshall, Brooks praise Trump effort to prevent illegal immigrants from being counted in post-Census redistricting

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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