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Brooks to Hillary Clinton: Want higher pay for American families? Secure the border

(Video Above: Rep. Mo Brooks derides Hillary Clinton’s economic plan)

WASHINGTON — In an impassioned speech on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives Tuesday, Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL5) criticized presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton for her “trickle down federal government dictates solution” to creating more American jobs.

Described as “left-leaning” by many in the media, Clinton’s economic platform as revealed in a speech Monday relies on government programs and interventions to spur growth.

Rep. Brooks insists Clinton’s plan “misses the target entirely,” and she should focus first on securing the border.

“Contrary to the propaganda of amnesty and open border proponents and their media allies, immigrants gained across the labor market in lower-skilled jobs such as maintenance, construction, and food service; in middle-skilled jobs like office support and health care support; and higher-skilled jobs, including management, computers, and health care practitioners,” Brooks revealed, citing Census Bureau, Homeland Security, and Labor Department data.

According to the congressman, immigrants gained jobs while Americans lost jobs in
architecture, engineering, transportation and material moving, and office and administrative support.

“America needs solutions,” Brooks said. “And the #1 jobs and economic solution for Americans is securing America’s borders and implementing a rational immigration policy that reflects economic conditions and protects American jobs and American wages for struggling American families.”

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