So who will succeed Jay Love in HD 74?

Rep. Jay Love’s resignation isn’t official until August 1, but it’s never too soon to start speculating about who will be his successor. Governor Bentley has indicated that a special election will be called in the shortest time frame possible, with the hope of electing a conservative to represent the Republican-leaning district prior to the 2014 legislative session.

So here’s an early look at the potential field of candidates:

Dimitri Polizos

Polizos is mentioned first because, well, he is the first and only candidate to have officially announced his bid for the HD74 seat. He currently owns Mr. Gus’ Ristorante on Atlanta Highway in Montgomery, and previously owned the Captiol Grill and The Pub. He’s also currently serving on the Montgomery County Commission.

The three pillars of Polizos’ campaign are cutting spending, protecting taxpayers and ensuring conservative values.

He talks the talk, and has experience and at least some name recognition from his time on the Commission. But can he raise the money to get his message out?

Charlotte Meadows

Meadows is currently the Alabama outreach director for Students First, an education advocacy group that has made waves nationally and in the state with their support of school choice reforms. Although the group lobbies for a cause about which many conservatives, including myself, are passionate, will the “registered lobbyist” label hurt her?

If Meadows jumps into the race, she will have significant personal resources to tap into, and she would no doubt be ready to get into the trenches against the school employees’ union should she be elected. She’s been in the thick of education issues, both with StudentsFirst and as a former member of the county school board.

StudentsFirst has also been rumored to be gearing up to play a more significant role in donating to campaigns during the next cycle. Could this be a test run for them?

Heather Sellers

Sellers is the director of marketing at Titon Management Group, better known as the company that owns The Money Stores and Quik Pawn Shops around the southeast. She is also a member of the Montgomery County School board.

Her marketing skills will be put to the test if she enters the race, as she goes from promoting her company’s brands to promoting herself.

Sellers’ husband, Rick, is well known in Republican circles, and was the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in 1992. He is also a former U.S. Senate staffer and NRA executive, and is currently chairman of Concerned Citizens, Inc., a conservative advocacy group in Montgomery.

The Sellers’ cache in Republican circles would certainly help attract money and support from outside the District. But could they turn it into support at the polls?

1. EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Jay Love discusses his time in the House and his impending departure
2. Love and Barton expected to give up seats in AL State House

What else is going on?
1. Young leads AL01 field in cash on hand, Byrne has raised the most money
2. Sessions: House must not negotiate with Senate immigration bill
3. AARP environmental push part of increasingly liberal agenda
4. EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Jay Love discusses his time in the House and his impending departure
5. AL01 candidates give their take on rifts in the GOP