OFA-Alabama preps for ‘Action August’ campaign

YH Barack ObamaBarack Obama told a crowd of his most loyal grassroots advocates gathered at a Washington, D.C. hotel on Monday that he needs their help. With his second term agenda stalled, the president is hoping his advocacy arm can pressure Republicans in Congress into being more willing participants in his march toward Progressive Utopia.

Obama’s former campaign apparatus, Organizing for America, has transitioned to become Organizing for Action (OFA), a non-profit entity with the goal of promoting the president’s agenda.

The thought of the president turning his grassroots campaign success into legislative muscle was at one time concerning to Republicans, but since its launch, OFA has been little more than a blip on the political radar. The Washington Post reported in June that the group had already halved its fundraising goal after donations trickled in at a much slower pace than expected.

However, the president’s team is hoping to get things back on track with what they are dubbing “Action August.” The initiative will launch on Obama’s birthday, August 4.

“We will be celebrating and defending and promoting ObamaCare across the country,” OFA executive director Jon Carson told the assembled group on Monday.

ObamaCare has faced numerous setbacks since its initial passage in March of 2010.

Most recently, the administration chose to delay until after the 2014 elections the portion of ObamaCare that requires companies that employ 50 or more workers to offer coverage or face fines. Republicans have since called for a delay on the individual mandate as well, and ObamaCare continues to be one of the most unpopular major pieces of legislation ever passed into law.

According to POLITICO, “the grassroots events will also put pressure on reluctant lawmakers on the immigration bill — a proposal that was passed by the Senate, but faces an uphill battle in the GOP-controlled House.

Alabama’s own Sen. Jeff Sessions was the leading conservative voice against the Gang of Eight’s immigration proposal in the Senate, and several members of Alabama’s congressional delegation have pledged to fight its passage in the House.

But after the recent dust up with environmentalists at the Alabama Public Service Commission, OFA’s Alabama group is hoping to sieze on an opportunity to promote the president’s global warming agenda as well.
OFA Alabama
“OFA volunteers across the country are holding ‪#climate‬ change deniers in Congress accountable,” OFA-Alabama posted on their Facebook on Monday along with a picture of a climate change house party. “OFA’s action on climate change is just getting started. With Action August just around the corner, the time to get involved is now,” the picture’s caption states.

Yellowhammer noted in May that Alabama’s school employees union, the AEA, is planning to work with OFA so they can utilize their field staff during 2014 legislative races.

With OFA’s upcoming partnership with Alabama’s most well-funded leftwing political organization — AEA — and their well-timed push for increased environmental regulations, it will be interesting to see if OFA-Alabama can begin to gain some traction. Recent history suggests it will be difficult. According to the Washington Post, “Many of [OFA’s] efforts have been centered in liberal strongholds and Democratic-leaning swing states, with little impact on more conservative areas.”

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