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Israel Under Attack, Alabama Stands in Support

Some of you may remember that I visited Israel earlier this year (I covered the 10-day trip extensively in multiple posts HERE). Here’s a cell phone video I took with shots being fired in the background while we walk through the streets of Jerusalem:

Here’s another cell phone video from Sderot, right on the boarder with Gaza. Over 90% of the people in Sderot have symptoms of PTSD, including many of the children. As you can see, the playground equipment also serves as bomb shelters. When the siren goes off, the children only have 15 seconds to get to shelter before the rocket hits.

Thousands of the rockets that were fired into Sderot are now stacked up behind their police station. It’s a stunning visual for visitors:

This video shows what the red alert sirens sound like:

Many people don’t realize just how close Israelis live to Gaza. This field is the only thing separating them from Gaza City, which you can see in the background. The majority of the rockets fired from Gaza come from densely populated areas, making it far more difficult to pinpoint their location and respond without putting civilians in danger. Hamas uses this to their advantage by using the civilians as a human shield, especially women and children.

100% of the foreign aid money the United States sends to Israel is used for defense. Most notably, U.S. money helped build the Iron Dome system that shoots down incoming rockets, especially those aimed at population centers like Tel Aviv.

It was good to see Governor Bentley publicly express his support for Israel last week. “Alabama stands with Israel and recognizes Israel’s right to defend herself against these attacks,” the Governor said after meeting with the Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister and Consul General.

In what are sure to be turbulent times ahead, The United States should continue supporting our closest ally in the middle east and work to protect the region’s only true democracy.

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