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Biden is in trouble; Rep. Aderholt thinks he may not make it to election day

To hear the American media tell it, just like in 2016, the 2020 election is totally over.

The only thing left to do here is to have a pesky election and count the votes. Good ‘ol straight-shooter tell-it-like-it-is Joe Biden is ready for his inauguration.

Well, like Hillary Clinton, a couple of things are happening on the way to former Vice President Biden’s coronation, and the American media learned nothing about how they mishandled the election and the scandals involving Joe Biden.

So far, there have been no less than three scandals involving Joe Biden and the “scandal-free” Obama administration that are going to ensnare the presumptive future president moving forward.

1. Hunter Biden and his foreign entanglements
2. Sleepy Joe’s apparently heel turn into Gropey Joe.
3. The unmasking of Trump’s National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and the leaking of his name to the press.

Will these scandals take down Joe Biden right now?

In a Thursday interview on WVNN’s “The Dale Jackson Show,” Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-Haleyville) said he thinks they could move to replace Biden after all that has “come out over the last 24 hours.”

He thinks these explanations are lacking.

“I really think Joe Biden is the one that’s really got to do the most explaining, just because his name is on the line,” said Aderholt.

Aderholt believes Biden might not be the nominee, but the media will protect him until they have no other choice (see: Anthony Weiner, Ralph Northam, Bill Clinton).

As with never-going-to-be President Hillary Clinton’s problems, the media believes that covering the accusation as if it is baseless is enough to say, “Look, we covered the scandal and it is old news.”

President Donald Trump made it clear that’s not good enough for him.

Trump will, rightly, raise these issues every single day as the election gets closer.

Biden will stumble and stammer through friendly interviews.

Biden’s inept surrogates will insist there is nothing to see here and attempt to make this about “Russian interference” and collusion.

They will fail — miserably.

On the latest issue, there seems to be a concerted effort to move the narrative from “no one knew about the unmasking of Michael Flynn” to “we knew about it, it is normal and it is awesome.”

This will fail — miserably.

And while the American media and their Democrats will tout poll after poll showing that Trump is finished because New York, California, New Jersey and Massachusetts hate him, battleground states will tell a different tale.

Those 15 states are the key to the election. Blue states that have high numbers of infections and deaths demanding that the economy of the battleground states be destroyed at the altar of CNN and MSNBC’s primetime lineups is not going to help Joe Biden. In fact, it destroys him.

Biden needs these people. He needs someone extolling his virtues against the bad guy currently in the White House.

They will tell you that the bad guy in the White House wants grandma dead and Shake Shack’s lobby open, while Joe Biden cares about you.

Unfortunately, that’s not true. Now, we have learned that 40% of households earning under $40,000 a year have had someone laid off.

An agreed-upon nationwide shutdown of life for over a month flattening the curve, Americans know this cannot continue. Eventually, they will tire of cheerily being told to “Stay Home, Save Lives” by television stars in mansions who don’t worry about their next mortgage payment or their kids going back to school.

I am already sick of brands reminding me how much they are sacrificing for me, and how they aren’t touching my food before they deliver it to me. (Were they touching it before?)

Biden will be forced to echo the extreme arguments that require Ohio to be just like New York, Iowa to be Massachusetts and Arizona to be California. This will not fly.

This election is shaping up to be about more than Biden vs. Trump.


Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 AM weekdays on WVNN.

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