Beason: Obama is a wimp

State Sen. Scott Beason (R-Gardendale) is closing out the last two weeks of his congressional primary campaign in Alabama’s 6th District by running an ad blasting President Obama for being “a wimp” and prompting voters to elect “a leader with a backbone.”

Beason has to this point counted on his name recognition advantage and ardent Tea Party base of support to overcome his lack of campaign cash. But with Rep. Paul DeMarco leading most recent polls and competition heating up for the second spot in a likely runoff, Beason is hoping his one ad will be enough.

The ad can be seen above and the transcript is below. Is it effective? Let us know in the comment section or by tweeting @YHPolitics.

Obama — just a wimpy president. Obama is terrified of Vladimir Putin, yet he has no problem dictating his liberal agenda to weak-kneed Republicans. It’s time we elect a leader with a backbone. Scott Beason has fought ObamaCare, amnesty and Common Core. He also pledged to only support a real conservative for Speaker. Scott Beason is a proven leader with a backbone to stand up to our wimpy president. He’s the leader Alabama deserves.

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