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Baseless allegations and a death threat — How al(dot)com allowed J.D. Crowe to attack 7 members of Congress without reason

What went down at the U.S. Capitol was an insurrection.

It was an attempt to subvert the functioning of the U.S. government, and calling it domestic terrorism is not a stretch.

The people involved, who I have argued were incited by President Donald Trump, should be punished through our legal system.

These items are not really in dispute, of course. However, the media and their Democrats are not really interested in those actually responsible, because their agenda is not about the misdeeds of Kevin Greeson in Athens or Lonnie Coffman from Falkville. Instead, they are looking to strengthen their political power by using a national disgrace as a launching point for political payback.

The 25th Amendment is not going to be invoked and impeachment, whether it happens or not, will have no real-world impact. The impeachment farce is payback to the fervent base in the media who have worked so hard to remove Trump and support Democrats at every turn.

This a thank you to the Democratic base; it solidifies their corruption of American norms like free speech and fairness while creating one-party rule.

And if you need to know how dishonest it is, look no further than the calls to censure and expel over 100 Republicans for casting votes the media and their Democrats don’t like.

The votes they cast were completely within their power, and no different than votes attempted and cast by various Democrats multiple times over the last 20 years. Of course, that was different because they were objecting to George W. Bush twice and Donald Trump once, so that’s fine.

To highlight how vapid this argument is, look at the latest piece from Alabama’s most prominent and least effective political cartoonist, J.D. Crowe.

You get it? They are all Klansmen. So clever.

Why? Because J.D. Crowe’s drawing skills are on-par with his political acumen.

Not a word about race was uttered by these men in the last two weeks. The objections they raised were about the problems in voting systems across the country. Valid concerns.

But because Crowe doesn’t understand that or can’t draw that in a picture, he chooses to not only call them racists but to depict them that way without even explaining why.

Here is his entire blurb posted with the cartoon: “For inciting and supporting an attempted coup, by failing to stand up against lies and misinformation from their Trump Lord, and for being spineless sycophants instead of leaders, these goober traitors should all resign. Or be dissolved by a stain remover.“

Shouldn’t the race stuff be covered?

Also, “dissolved by a stain remover?” Is that a death threat against seven members of Congress?

Even if you argued that U.S. Representative Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) and his unfortunate speech six hours before the issues at the U.S. Capitol were incitement (I believe it clearly was not), what did the others do?

Shouldn’t an allegation like this carry some explanation of weight?

Apparently not. Just scribble it down and the leftwing editorial team will put it on al(dot)com. Once again, they will run down Alabama again, for no reason, and hope it goes viral.

Crowe isn’t the only one, obviously, because he doesn’t have an original bone in his body.

But why?

These are allegations without merit.

Simply put, they have no real argument here. The congressmen did their jobs, and the people that have hated them forever are just using this as a reason to hate them further.

Do al(dot)com’s editors think that calling people racists with no reasoning is OK?

And, don’t forget, there is a potential death threat here as well, along with the dangerous and unfounded charge of these Republican congressmen being “traitors.”

It is becoming very clear to anyone watching what is unfolding before us is a coordinated effort by members of the media, big tech and politicians to silence the people they view as unworthy so they can control the discourse and the direction of the country.

The rioters at the U.S. Capitol gave them an opportunity, and they are going to use it.

Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 AM weekdays on WVNN.

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