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Barry Moore scores two national pro-life endorsements in AL-02

Former State Rep. Barry Moore (R-Enterprise) recently received endorsements from two leading national pro-life organizations in his Republican bid to represent Alabama’s Second Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Moore last week announced the endorsement of the National Right to Life Committee’s (NRLC) political arm. NRLC is the largest grassroots pro-life group in the United States.

“I’m very humbled by this endorsement from the National Right to Life organization,” Moore said in a statement. “I firmly believe we have a duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves, especially the unborn. I do believe that life begins at the moment of conception, and we have a sacred duty to honor that life.”

On Monday, the Susan B. Anthony List’s (SBA List) political arm announced its endorsement of Moore.
SBA List — a prominent, women-led pro-life organization — is a major player on the national political stage.

“We are proud to endorse Barry Moore, a staunch and consistent defender of the unborn throughout his time in the legislature,” stated Marilyn Musgrave, SBA List’s vice president of government affairs.

“In the Alabama House of Representatives, Barry led the charge to protect unborn babies from the time their heartbeat can be detected and strengthen informed consent to safeguard vulnerable women from the profit-driven abortion industry,” she continued. “He will stand up to radical Pelosi Democrats in Congress who push abortion on demand through birth, paid for by taxpayers, and even infanticide. Alabamians deeply value life and deserve a champion like Barry, who has been a principled, dependable leader in Montgomery and will fight for their values in Washington. We encourage the pro-life voters of the 2nd District to support him and we look forward to working together to save innocent lives.”

Moore will face Democrat Phyllis Harvey-Hall on November 3.

“I will continue to stand up for what I believe — that all life is precious, and that we should protect it in every way we can — as Alabama’s Second Congressional District representative in the U.S. Congress. I look forward to working with other pro-life members of Congress and President Trump to fight for the rights of the unborn,” Moore concluded.

RELATED: Barry Moore lands Trump endorsement in AL-02 following Oval Office visit

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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