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Back by Popular Demand: Hate Mail of the Week

After a 5 month hiatus, Hate Mail of the Week is back and will be running weekly on Thursdays.

“Hate Mail of the Week” is a weekly feature on Yellowhammer Politics in which some of the hate mail submitted through our contact page or in response to our email blasts is published exactly as it was received. The only edits made are to remove expletives — this is a family show, after all.

If you feel like you hate this site, or me, more than the people below — you’re welcome to share your thoughts and feelings here. But at least be creative.

1. A conversation with Charlene:

Charlene: Please stop posting your raciest Bull[expletive]!!

Cliff: Please don’t tell my filipino wife or any of the black guys in my wedding party that I’m racist! I’m trying to keep it a secret!

Charlene: Once again, if you say Black men and not men you got a problem.

Cliff: Hope my wife never finds out I secretly despise her because she’s brown.


Drop Dead. You rednecks deserved the [expletive] kicking you received. I seent people like you all over the next day pouting and [expletive] looking like slave traders looking mad cuz yall the ones in chains now . . . . . [expletive] is so funny to me. GET USED TO IT [expletive] CUZ WE RUN THIS [expletive] FOR GOOD NOW


The picture on the contact yellowhammer page looks like you’ve got a turtle head sticking out and you’re trying to not let it slide into your pants.


Wealthy [expletive] conservatives would rather poor people die a slow death by four hundred thousand paper cuts than give them healthcare and and feed and shelter them. And you all claim to believe what th ebible says. What a bunch of [expletive]. If you did like the bible told you to you would be begging for obamacare and would help OUR president raise taxes so more of the money would be given to people who reallyu need it instead of buying a new yacht and riding to Sandro pay. You hypocrits are increadible but praise the Lord we will never have another Republican in the presidency because more and more hispanics are coming to America and they won’t ever vote for you. You know who else wanted to box up a whole race of people and ship them out on trains…………………………..HITLER.

Name withheld:

I’m a teacher at [redacted] and want to write to express my disappointment with your website and emails. You recently posted an article titled, “AEA’s Asinine Assault on Amendment 4.” I just want you to know that language like that has no place entering into my classroom and I will not stand for it. I have reported your email to my UniServ director and am told they will open an investigation into the legality of spreading blatant untruths.

Whether you like it or not, every child in this state, regardless of race, gender, or socioeconomic status, has the right to an education. Amendment 4 would have destroyed public education in this state, plain and simple. Politicians would have immediately taken tens of millions of dollars out of our schools. Classroom sizes would have skyrocketed and many of the country’s best teachers would have been laid off by the legislature or Governor because they would takeover the schools from the people who actually care about education. You may not agree with the Alabama Education Association on everything they do, but it is impossible to deny that they have the best interest of educators in this state in mind and work hard to keep us safe.

Our students also have a right to a safe learning environment. You are making the learning environment in this state toxic and the teachers that I know will not sit idly by and accept it.



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