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Attorney General Steve Marshall: Taking a stand for life

As Attorney General, I have no higher duty than to enforce our laws and ensure the safety of all Alabamians—and that includes the unborn. Throughout my career as a prosecutor and as your Attorney General, I have fought to protect the right to life.

While many candidates label themselves as pro-life, I have a proven track record. Alabama Citizens for Life has endorsed me for Attorney General because they know I am the only candidate in the race with the resolve to tackle this issue head on.

When I was District Attorney, I worked tirelessly to help draft and advocate for the passage of the Brody Act. The Brody Act makes it possible to prosecute an offender for two crimes if they kill or injure an unborn child during an attack on the mother. I was the first to prosecute a case under this law In Marshall County and then, just last year, I had the privilege of defending my conviction on appeal before the Alabama Supreme Court as your Attorney General.

The ACLU has attacked Alabama’s law banning the gruesome practice of dismemberment abortions and our law requiring parental consent for minors seeking an abortion and I am fighting back against them. Alabamians deserve an Attorney General who will fight to defend relentless challenges to our laws by outside liberal interest groups and that’s exactly what I am doing. We must protect the most basic right of all rights and that is the right to life.

These attacks don’t just happen in Alabama, they happen around the country. As your Attorney General, I’ve taken a stand for life beyond our borders. Just this month, the U.S. Supreme Court reviewed a brief that Alabama joined defending the First Amendment protections of a pro-life pregnancy center. We were also on the winning side of a similar case in Maryland. Last year, we supported North Carolina’s ban on abortions after 20 weeks when it was challenged in court.

As I seek a full term as your Attorney General, I am honored to partner with Alabama Citizens for Life to continue what I’ve started in fighting for the unborn.

Alabama must be on the right side of history with this issue. I hope you’ll stand for life with me as Attorney General and allow me to continue to champion the sanctity of life in Alabama and throughout the United States.

(Paid for by Steve Marshall for Alabama, P.O. Box 3537, Montgomery, AL 36109)

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