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ALGOP Chair Terry Lathan: ‘Alabama’s voters have spoken loudly’

Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan released a celebratory statement after the ALGOP resoundingly won every statewide and every contested congressional race in Tuesday’s 2020 general election.

“Alabama’s voters have spoken loudly and our majority is sending a new U.S. Senator, Tommy Tuberville, to be our voice,” she stated.

“On behalf of the Alabama Republican Party, I offer our deepest congratulations to Senator-elect Tuberville. We are confident he will listen to the concerns of his constituents, unlike his predecessor, while representing our great state with honor and integrity. The seat has been reset to reflect the conservative values of Alabama,” Lathan continued. “We look forward to Senator-elect Tuberville joining our senior and most distinguished U.S. Senator, Richard Shelby.”

The Republican chair stressed that she is “very proud of the massive work our county parties, state members, elected officials, an army of volunteers and our voters produced as we once again made Alabama history.”

“We are excited that Alabama will be sending a strong Republican Congressional delegation back to Washington, DC. Our four incumbent Congressmen – Mike Rogers, Robert Aderholt, Mo Brooks and Gary Palmer – will be joined by two new conservative Republican additions: Congressmen-elect Jerry Carl and Barry Moore. Additionally, we congratulate Public Service Commission President Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh for winning her statewide re-election race,” Lathan added.

“Our citizens have also voiced loud and clear their desire to see President Donald Trump return to the White House for four more years. The President’s ‘Promises Made, Promises Kept’ agenda has delivered for Alabamians who benefited from tax cuts, stronger salaries and wages, the repeal of the Obamacare mandate, record setting economic growth and elimination of needless, bureaucratic red tape,” she concluded. “We are proud to deliver all nine Republican electoral votes to President Trump when the Electoral College meets.”

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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