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ALGOP chair: Doug Jones ‘has embarrassed our state and shirked one of his most important duties’

In a conference call with members of the media this week, Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan lamented how U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) has handled the current nomination process for the Supreme Court of the United States.

The call was co-hosted by Trump Victory, the joint fundraising committee of the campaign to reelect President Donald J. Trump and the Republican National Committee.

As reported by Yellowhammer News, Jones in summer 2019 committed to opposing any SCOTUS nominations made by Trump in the final year of his term.

Following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg last month, Jones announced his opposition to anyone Trump nominated, regardless of merits, before Judge Amy Coney Barrett was even announced as the nominee.

Moreover, Jones has failed to even meet with Barrett — a pattern for Alabama’s junior senator, who also never met with now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh before his Senate Judiciary hearings and ultimate confirmation. In contrast, many of Jones’ Democratic colleagues have given Barrett the courtesy of a meeting — even some of those who have already announced their intent to vote “no.”

Barrett’s committee hearings will enter their third — and, possibly, final — day on Wednesday as senators on Judiciary each get 20 minutes to ask questions or launch into diatribes.

In her call this week, Lathan contrasted Jones’ obstinance with U.S. Senator Richard Shelby’s (R-AL) loyalty to serving the majority wishes of Alabama.

“While Senator Shelby has clearly and repeatedly voted for the majority, that has not been the case with Senator Doug Jones,” Lathan said. “He has been tone deaf to that majority and there will be a heavy price for him to pay on November 3.”

“Today, Doug Jones continues to thumb his nose at our state’s majority,” she continued. “If we know one thing about Alabamians, ignoring us will be met with firm actions by ending his short tenure in the U.S. Senate. As of today, he has embarrassed our state and shirked one of his most important duties as a senator – represent our state in this nomination process. Senator Jones immediately knee jerked on not meeting with Judge Coney Barrett – he would not even give her the courtesy or decent respect to meet with this highly accomplished mother of seven who drives a minivan.”

“Our state has been sidelined by his absence. Funny how he said the American people need a ‘full, fair and complete trial’ when it came to President Trump’s impeachment proceedings. He promised Alabama he would be an independent voice,” Lathan decried. “On Judge Coney Barrett’s proceedings, he has failed on all of his own promises to Alabama. His slogan is ‘One Alabama’ – it should be changed to ‘Ignoring Alabama.'”

The ALGOP chair subsequently referenced Jones’ admission during the Kavanaugh confirmation process that representing the majority of Alabamians is “not the be all to end all.”

“It’s a shame Doug Jones has once again put our majority last and his left wing groups first,” Lathan remarked.

“On November 3, we look forward to making his short ‘one and done’ term the true ‘be all to end all’ when we seat Tommy Tuberville and keep the majority in the U.S. Senate and the White House,” she added.

RELATED: Tuberville: Doug Jones does disservice to Alabamians with his opposition to Judge Amy Coney Barrett

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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