ALFA, Blue Cross Blue Shield launch dueling public affairs campaigns over farm bureau health plans

The Alabama Farmers Federation (ALFA) and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama (BCBS) have launched dueling advocacy groups over a proposal that would allow ALFA to offer healthcare benefits to their members. 

ALFA launched a web and social media presence for Alliance For Affordable Healthcare and BCBS for Protect Alabama’s Quality Coverage

While no bill has yet to be officially filed, legislation is expected similar to last year’s proposal to authorize a nonprofit agricultural organization like ALFA to offer health benefits to its members and their families. 

“The Alabama Farmers Federation has proposed a proven health benefit plan that could save families 30–60% on healthcare, but Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama is fighting to block it,” ALFA’s campaign argues. 

“Special interests are asking the Alabama Legislature to allow a single insurance company to offer unregulated and non-compliant healthcare coverage plans,” BCBS’s campaign states. 

ALFA has previously launched a positive public-facing campaign, A Healthy Option, to promote personal stories of members advocating for the change, which would require an act of the state legislature. 

In 2024, State Sen. Arthur Orr’s (R-Decatur) proposal reached the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee for a public hearing, but no vote was held. ALFA argues the legislation could provide a pathway to more affordable healthcare options for self-employed farmers and small-business owners. 

As for the newly-launched public affairs campaigns, both groups are already targeting messages to lawmakers and constituents through paid social content with strong messages and calls-to-action, which is expected to intensify in the coming weeks.

Grayson Everett is the editor in chief of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on X @Grayson270.

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Staff Report January 29, 2025