Alabama virtual conference being held Thursday on the transition from high school through postsecondary education

The Alabama College Attainment Network (Alabama CAN) on Thursday will host a virtual conference focused on the transition from high school to and through postsecondary education.

The theme of the conference is “Connecting Learning to Earning from K-12 to College and Beyond,” with presentations spanning a variety of important topics such as postsecondary access and success, education equity and opportunity, and workforce development.

Alabama CAN was launched in October by Alabama Possible in support of Governor Kay Ivey’s Success Plus goal of adding 500,000 high-skilled workers by 2025. Alabama CAN is a network of more than 50 statewide partners who collaborate to break down barriers to increase college readiness, access and completion in Alabama, particularly among low-income students, first-generation college-going students and students of color.

“Any Alabama student desiring to attain a higher education should have the opportunity to do so,” stated Chandra Scott, executive director for Alabama Possible. “We created Alabama CAN to establish a statewide network of stakeholders committed to ensuring students, parents and educators have adequate resources to make this a reality for all the state’s students aspiring to complete a postsecondary path.”

Thursday’s conference boasts a strong lineup of governmental, private sector and academic leaders, including:

Governor Kay Ivey
Chancellor Jimmy Baker, Alabama Community College System
Dr. Robin McGill, Director of Instruction & Special Projects of the Alabama Commission on Higher Education
Mr. Brandon Glover, Public Policy Manager of Alabama Power Company
Dr. Eric Mackey, State Superintendent of Alabama State Department of Education
Ms. Wendi Boyen, Regions Bank, Alabama Possible Board Chair
Ms. Haley Glover, Strategy Director of Lumina Foundation
Dr. Yolanda Watson Spiva, President of Complete College America

The event will run from 9:00 a.m until 1:30 p.m. CT. There is a $30 fee to attend virtually. You can register here.

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn