MONTGOMERY, Ala. – The Alabama Senate on Thursday passed a bill to prevent local governments from implementing “gun user fees” and regulatory hurdles that are designed to make it harder for citizens to purchase guns and ammunition at fair market value.
The bill, which was sponsored by Senator Phil Williams (R-Rainbow City), was drafted after some city councils across the country passed local fees and taxes on gun purchases.
In December, Seattle’s city council passed a local tax of $25 per gun and 2 or 5 cents per round of ammunition, with the evident intent of discouraging gun purchases.
Williams’ bill also prohibits counties and municipalities from imposing additional restrictions on the issuance of gun permits other than those enumerated in Alabama’s current legal code.
The city of Lowell, Massachusetts recently passed a law that requires applicants for handgun licenses to complete an essay detailing why they should receive approval for the license.
“My legislation is designed to protect Alabama’s citizens from rogue action at the county and municipal level to push a liberal, anti-gun agenda by imposing local fees and obstacles,” said Williams. “St. Petersburg, Florida is considering a fee similar to Seattle’s and my goal is to stop in its tracks any coordinated national agenda to undermine our Second Amendment rights.”
The bill now moves to the Alabama House where it is expected to pass.