Alabama Power security officer and former Birmingham policeman remembers surviving heart attack

Joseph Allen

Ron Jones was a Birmingham Police officer for more than two decades before joining Alabama Power Corporate Security in 2010.

“Staying in shape is a big part of my job,” said Jones, who can be found in the gym almost every morning. “It helps your endurance and makes you feel better.”

It was two days after Christmas in 2015 when Jones felt a pain in his chest that he initially thought was indigestion.

“It felt like I had swallowed a piece of hard candy and it was stuck in my chest and it wouldn’t come out,” Jones said.

A trip to the emergency room revealed Jones had nearly full blockage in two arteries, which required surgery to put in stints. A mild heart attack thankfully had not caused damage to Jones’ heart.

“I always thought that people that had heart attacks were people who was out of shape or people who was overweight,” he said. “I was neither one.”

Jones speaks from experience during American Heart Month in the video below.

Ron Jones reveals what he learned by surviving a heart attack from Alabama NewsCenter on Vimeo.

(Courtesy of Alabama NewsCenter)