As reported by WKRG News, when it comes to protecting their animals, Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo keepers are leaving nothing to chance. With even the slightest possibility that one of the most powerful hurricanes ever recorded will impact Alabama, zoo officials are putting the final touches on their evacuation plan.
Located in Gulf Shores, the zoo houses over 600 animals. With that many mouths to feed, the zoo understands that it must be prepared to leave at any time.
The Gulf Coast hasn’t been impacted by a major hurricane in many years, and the zoo’s director explained that while they might be rusty, this won’t be the first time they evacuated. Between 2004 and 2005 the zoo had to evacuate three times due to incoming storms.
Officials say they have cages prepared at an alternative sight further inland, and will begin to move the animals should the forecast shift towards Alabama.
What’s the hardest part of evacuation? Lions? Tigers? Bears? No, perhaps the most difficult creature to move is an alligator!
Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo is home to Chucky—a 13-foot gator known to take advantage of any opportunity to display his escape-artist skills. In 2004, during Hurricane Ivan, Chucky gained national attention when zoo officials noticed that he had escaped. Given his proclivity to scramble, zoo workers say they won’t move Chucky unless things get really bad.
Current forecasts show Irma moving away from Alabama, and the majority of the Gulf Coast. However, that is not stopping the Gulf Coast Zoo from taking every precaution to ensure the safety of the creatures in its care.